
2015-02-22 8:45 pm
The air was dusty. People were all wearing oxygen masks to filter fresh air and avoid chemical matters from the air. Hardly anyone was hanging around at the street but robots was constantly cleaning up rubbish spreading everywhere.


回答 (2)

2015-02-22 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) The air was dusty. People were all wearing oxygen masks to filter fresh air and avoid chemical matters from the air. Hardly anyone was hanging around at the street but robots was constantly cleaning up rubbish spreading everywhere.


(2) Water has already covered the whole Tsim Sha Tsui and Central due to the raise of water level.
The greenhouse effect has destroyed millions of homes and in Hong Kong. It is too hot outside for human to stay for more than half an hour. We could only live underground to avoid the sunlight.

2015-02-23 1:09 am
The air was dusty. People were all wearing oxygen masks to filter fresh air and avoid chemical matters from the air. Hardly anyone was hanging around at the street but robots was constantly cleaning up rubbish spreading everywhere.
Water has already covered the whole Tsim Sha Tsui and Central due to the raise of water level.
The greenhouse effect has destroyed millions of homes and in Hong Kong. It is too hot outside for human to stay for more than half an hour. We could only live underground to avoid the sunlight.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:20:01
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