急問一些有關英文tense 的問題
ABC Company 在ABC City 執笠,宜家成個城市無左,城市所在地變左做海,想問問宜家我係米應該講"ABC Company closed down before."
回答 (5)
首先, 建議你下次問問題唔好名字都一樣, 咁樣只會令你混淆, 你可以寫 ABC company, XYZ city.
而你既寫法應該係被動詞. 要改為 "had been closed down (reason)", 記住, 被動詞都係用於 subject 唔明確, 或者想用 object 放係前既用法.
參考: 自己
ABC Company at ABC City former had closed down before the latter (adj) turned (changed) into a sea.
ABC Company had closed down before ABC City sank to the sea.
ABC Company at ABC city has been closed down
I would say this:
ABC Company had closed down before ABC City sank to the sea.
收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:20:46
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