We're the Last of our Siblings without Children. How do others who can not have children deal with this?

2015-02-20 5:53 pm
Last year my husband & I made the hardest decision we ever had to make. We decided to have my tubes tied due to both of our health/medical issues. I knew then that it was something I would forever regret but also knew I couldn't jeopardize my life or another human beings.
My husband & I have now been married for 5 years. Almost all of our siblings but my sister have had children. Now we got the news that my sister & her newlywed husband are 2 months pregnant. Since we've found out it's been nothing but calls to me on how excited everyone is & how excited I must be since we're so close. I am happy for her but yet it deeply hurts for me. I am trying my best to be thrilled & excited the outside & the inside.
No one once has thought of to ask either before my surgery or now a year later to ask me How I feel & how I felt to make that decision. No one other than my husband that is.
Trust me I know there is adoption & we have intentions on doing so later down the road; when we can afford to adopt. But as most know there is still that pain of not being able to have your very own.
I just want to know how others who can not have children deal with this. I feel like I'm being a bad sister to be wallowing in my sorrow at her time of happiness.

Also I can not have a reversal because they cauterized the tubes completely since they could not risk putting a different type of metal in my body with my pacemaker. And just because we decided to have it done doesn't mean we wanted it done. It was & still is the best decision for my health. But it doesn't make things any easier

回答 (2)

2015-02-20 11:06 pm
Would it make you feel better if I told you I am the last of our siblings without a husband?

All my siblings have been happily married and I don't even have a boy-friend. At least you have a husband to be on your side to comfort you. I am all alone.
2015-02-20 6:02 pm
Two ways:
(1) Cognitively
(2) Behaviorally

(1) Cognitively:
It is always easy to idealize a situation that you are NOT involved in.
Children bring happiness, but also great sorrow. There is an old saying that "Every child has its own brand of tears for the parent".
It is also helpful to remember that sociological studies show that couples WITHOUT children measure higher on happiness scores (both general and marital happiness). And that couples without children have more financial resources and less financial stress/worry.
Understand too, that your emotions are caused by your attributions and cognitive self-statements ... what you tell yourself CAN hurt you (emotionally). So pay greater attention to your self statements. now you cannot successfully pretend that you are happy to not be getting pregnant, but how you react to that fact IS under your conscious control.

Additionally, your guilt about your sorrow is self-created. She is happy, but you aren't trying to make HER feel guilty .. you are harming only yourself by feeling guilty. And there is no reason to feel guilty because you want children yourself.

Lastly .... no one IS going to ask you about things that make you sad. It is considered unkind and poor social form to bring that kind of topic onto the table or discussion. Your sorrow is for you and your husband to deal with. Don't expect others to flock to it.
As an adult, it is up to you to take responsibility or your own feelings and now play victim in your family.

2) Behaviorally
You develop relationships with your nieces and nephews.
By babysitting as often as you can.
If they do not live in your area, then when they are older, you invite them out for a week or two once a year (my daughter has a great relationship with one of her childless Aunt & Uncle .. and this couple takes each of their nieces and nephews for a week one at a time, every year).

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:06:17
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