Present Perfect Tense Problem

2015-02-20 6:59 pm
香港警方在2015年2月1日開始調查一宗案件直至2月15日,在2月15日上午9:00停止調查,我用"Hong Kong Police has investigated a case." 黎形容2月15日9:00:01這一刻有無問題。

回答 (4)

2015-02-20 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Of course no problem

Grammar - correct

Tense - Present perfect - correct

Spelling of words - correct

Logical sentence - no problem

參考: 100% ME
2015-02-23 6:40 pm
文法上無錯, 但係寫文章果時注意前文後理既連接. 因為呢的句子, 係屬於 "中斷性" 既文句, 係連續上, 內容上, 時區上, 都表達唔到精確以及引伸性. 所以寫文時要注意.
參考: 自己
2015-02-20 9:50 pm
The present perfect tense denotes present results of past actions.We use" for" when we refer to a period of time.whether you refer to a speaking point of time or no time in the past.
2015-02-20 7:54 pm

The present perfect tense denotes present results of past actions.We use" for" when we refer to a period of time.whether you refer to a speaking point of time or no time in the past.
eg:-They have investigated (a case) for a period of time of 15 days.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:56:45
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