Will a cancer man return if belittled?

2015-02-19 7:38 pm
I... the Gemini. ... said many bad words to him bc I thought he stole my watch and still dealing with his wife which he said they were getting divorced and haven't messed around in 2 years. But I have no hard evidence. He did post on FB I refuse to let go... blah so I confronted him and it just went on from there. He blocked me off FB but tried contacting me 3x during the argument. Anywho I miss him abr want him back. I sent a long genuine text saying I was sorry for accusing him about my watch with no hard evidence and I said those belittling ego crushing things to hurt him as I felt he hurt me. I also so ley him know my gm just passed. I did tell him I missed him and still loved him.

Will he respond? Will he accept me back? (If ge really loved me to begin with) will he come back?

Cancer sun
Geminii moon
Leo venus nd mercury
Capricorn mars man

Gemini sun
Aries moon mars nd rising
Gemini mercury
Taurus venus woman

回答 (4)

2015-02-20 12:13 am
He doesn't love you.
You are the glue that keeps his marriage together ... without you, he would get to bored with his marriage and might divorce her. But as long as he has you to inject a bit of excitement into his life, there will be no divorce.

They aren't having sex? Ha ha ha. That's a good one. They ALL say that ....

Cancer needs, above everything else, to feel emotionally safe. Bad words and accusing him of theft ... girl, he now feels you are totally UN-safe to be around.
2015-02-19 11:01 pm
I don't believe this is going to work out for you sorry to say. Cancers feelings are easily hurt and it is tough for them to let go of former partners. He probably does still have feelings for his ex but he isn't going to tell you that.

And he has a Leo Venus so he becomes indifferent to someone once they put him down in any way. People think that HATE is the opposite of LOVE, but really INDIFFERENCE is the opposite of love and Leos are the best sign at being indifferent to one that has caused them pain.

Since you are a Gemini I would suggest waiting to get into a relationship because Gemini can change their mind so quickly. And the mood swings that Geminis have aren't easy to live with either. That is one of the toughest things about Gemini for they aren't always consistent and do change their mind very often. What looks great today probably isn't going to be so great in the long-term. So take your time in relationships. Don't hurry into any relationship. I have found that Geminis do much better in the love department if they wait until they are older to be committed to one person. Geminis are also great at flirting and it is easy to hurt the one you love by being flirtatious with other guys. Geminis usually have a great sense of humor and are good conversationalists.

And you have much Aries in your chart with your Moon, Mars, and Rising in Aries. One of the most important things for Aries to learn is to choose your battles wisely. Aries loves to battle for the feeling of conquest is the greatest feeling in the world for Aries. So before you get into an argument with someone always ask yourself if this is a battle worth fighting. You would do well to find a cause to make the world a better place because Aries Energy has to have action in their life. Fighting for the underdogs on this planet would be a great way for you to take all that gusto within you and give it to a good cause.

Gemini Suns most always bore easily too which is one reason why long-term relationships just don't seem to work out for you especially when young. I suggest that you get a hobby...find something to entertain yourself with when you are feeling crabby instead of getting into a fight that isn't worth fighting. This is a Life Lesson for you, choosing your battles carefully.

With your Venus in Taurus, which is a grand sign for Venus, you will one day meet someone that is perfect for you and you will be able to have that long-term relationship that you desire. Venus in Taurus loves beautiful and comfortable living conditions so make sure you get educated while young or get a specialization in a field that allows you to use that Venus in Taurus Energy. Decorating homes or anything that has to do with beauty would probably be a good fit because you are going to want the good things in life so be sure your partner knows that side of you. Hope this is helpful and have a wonderful life!
2015-02-19 9:13 pm
No one should return if belittled.
2015-02-19 10:08 pm
stop stereotyping him. just cause he's a cancer doesn't mean anything

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