how to become more beautiful?

2015-02-19 5:49 am

回答 (2)

2015-02-19 5:55 am
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Hmmm How to become more beautiful? Well lol , I gess you can at least try to dree more nicer, what im trying to say is to look more beautiful, were earrings , dont put on make-up, no no make up, thats a. Nono , um, brush your hair everyDay, clean yourself, stay healthy, and um yea, and I hope that will boost up your confidence , I hope, lol
2015-02-19 5:58 am
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and confidence is very attractive ---- makeup and clothes wont help in fact they say you are not confident ---- so how about you be yourself and you will be beautiful to those that matter

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