How do I get my husband to spend time with me?

2015-02-19 2:18 am
My husband I have been for 4 months. We have a lot of problems. I nag a little too much, but I am a good wife. I cook everyday, keep our place clean, and handle all bills. I have a hard time with my husband spending time with me. He always tired from work. When he gets off of work he takes a shower, maybe watch TV or video game, eat then sleep. Lately he been stressed out about work I try to encourage and support, but he complains so much. My job is as stressful and I love my work. I don't work as much as him, but get the same pay. I will beg him to spend time with me it's always an excuse of too tired. Yet he plays video games or is on his phone. Our sex life is once a week or twice. It doesn't last long. On top all of this he has anger problems where I'll try to talk he'll ignore me. If his anger gets the best of him he yells, screams, says hurtful things,and break things. Some days I regret getting married and resent him. I always nag a least he knew this before he married me. I did not know his anger was this bad, nor a husband that doesn't help with cleaning or cooking, little sex or doesn't spend time with me. For valentines day he got me a $75 dollar gift. It was delivered to my door. I didn't get him anything he wanted nothing. Plus I feel like you should treat the person like valentines day is everyday. He has to work on valentines day. I was happy to get the gift, but would have been happier if spend time with me. He came home ate dinner & lauded in room & slept.

回答 (9)

2015-02-19 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can't make him spend time with you. What you can do is treat yourself to me-dates and explore new hobbies, assuming they won't hurt your marriage.

Read a book. Watch a movie. Take a class. (Yoga, painting, karate, etc.) Take a relative or girlfriend to dinner. Try new things (baking, diy projects, etc,)

And, if you want his attention, make him worry just a *little*. Get in shape, pamper yourself, take a little extra time for your appearance, keep your legs shaved, and buy some new lingerie. Most of all, be happy. Men cannot resist a sexy, happy, confident woman.

Don't expect results immediately... But expect some results. :)
2015-02-19 3:26 am
If you kept his penis in your mouth where it belongs, you wouldn't be able to nag him and he would have much less complaints about you. Try it and give us an update.
2015-02-19 2:19 am
You married this man..your fault. Now, go and spread your legs for him so he will spend some time with you. Your problem, you deal with it.
2015-02-19 2:26 am
make an appointemet days before you like to hang out with him. thus, he will not have excuses.
2015-02-19 2:46 am
So even when he does right you complain bitterly about it. Yeah, that kind of nagging goes a long, long way. He's possibly had enough of it. Of course you didn't get him anything for Valentine's Day... cause that's just the sort of gal you are.

When he's watching TV, try massaging his feet while keeping silent. That'd be a nice thing to do.
2015-02-19 8:02 am
I'm sorry to say this but, stop the nagging! See what happens. Also, the one that said to go do things on your own, they have a point. Make him worry a little. Let him come to you, but be there when he does so that you aren't just pushing him away. Find the balance between being there for him but not being too needy, or nagging. Guys hate nagging and neediness. Suggest an activity for the two of you to do together, if you haven't already done so. Ask him what sounds fun, idk, get creative. Best of luck!
2015-02-19 2:39 am
I think valentines day is stupid
2015-02-19 6:22 am
Let him put his penis up your butt. He'll enjoy that.
2015-02-19 3:45 am
what makes romance special is the unpredictability factor and the occasional-ness of it. stop being so demanding!!!

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