
2015-02-19 5:29 am
我在下午一時至三時食buffet,咁我在下午三時十分講"I am full. I have just had
a buffet." 有無唔妥。

回答 (3)

2015-02-28 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Of course no problem
grammar - ok
tense - ok
logic - ok

you are talking about that moment so using present tense + pres.perf.tense is correct

參考: 100% ME
2015-02-23 6:21 pm
文法可以, 但文句錯, 明顯睇到係中式英文.

英文, 好少講... had a buffet, 都只會講 had buffet.
參考: 自己
2015-02-19 7:04 pm

The present perfect tense:-
I have just had my full buffet 10 min.ago.
just is used to mean the immediate past eg:-10 min. ago.

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