Was he right? He said "you don't know the first thing about how to love"?

2015-02-18 1:22 am
My ex was abusive, he never hit me but he used to keep surveillance on me, insult me constantly, tell me to kill myself, spit on me, hack my phone and Facebook, send rude messages to my friends and family on my behalf, restrict the people I'm allowed to talk to, threaten to kill or hurt me, my family or friends so I left him eventually and got an intervention order against him. He sends me emails all the time even though he's not allowed to and I don't have the heart to report him to police because he will be arrested if I do.. My question is, is that really what love is? Letting them hurt you but never giving up ? I believe in love you shouldn't give up and I would've kept putting up with his crap if he hadn't tried to destroy my relationship with my parents and friends.
I've been feeling so guilty and I really need advice. I'm supposed to see a counsellor but they're closed for 2 weeks

回答 (3)

2015-02-19 6:24 pm
Love is sharing a deep, healthy emotional connection, accepting each other at face value, respecting and trusting each other and practicing kind and caring actions toward each other. This is not what you have had with the guy at all. He is abusive, nasty, and also stalking you. You seem to have zero sense of self-esteem and any woman who would remain in this situation doesn't like herself very well . HIGHLY consier the therapy? It might be a consideration and it works when we work it. The only person you can change is yourself, and it's high time you realize you can do much better and do not have to involve yourself in abusive situations.. And why do you feel guilty ? Because he's an idiot? He needs to go to jail, i think.
2015-02-18 3:03 am
You know the answer but I'll say it anyway.

This is NOT what love is, he's an abusive @sshole who will continue to behave this way until he destroys you unless you get away from him completely.

You need to report him for the emails and any other contact because the message you are sending to him by NOT reporting him is that you WANT THIS, and I don't believe that this is true.

If you read up on domestic abuse the first thing you'll learn is about the cycle of violence which is exactly what you are trying to break out of right now.

You need to not see him, think of him, see any contacts from him. You need to go RIGHT NOW and block him from emailing you.

He is continuing to abuse you and until you stop allowing him to contact you in any way and make it very clear that you are serious, that there will be consequences for contacting you he will continue to do this.

I had restraining orders against my ex for almost 10 years and I reported every single contact he made with me, that's the only way I could get him to leave me alone.
2015-02-18 2:12 am
Does he know about love? He is treating someone like this...Did that answer your question.

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