What skills are needed to be a video game designer?

2015-02-17 7:13 pm
I've been told that being a designer requires a wide range of skills, but nobody's ever given me a straight answer. I've always thought that I'd be good at it because I'm a very logical thinker with a considerably large art side, but I'd like to know the specific things that are needed, and if possible the things you do as one.

回答 (2)

2015-02-22 1:38 pm
Game designer or developer?

i am a developer, but not games.

That is a difficult question to answer. The problem is that there are so many platforms.
Lunix - Typically C++
Android - Java
Apple - Objective C
Windows - typically C++
Consoles - C, C++, and sometimes assembly

Game industry salaries are not good. Do it out of love for the job, not for money.
2015-02-17 7:23 pm
Start with coding, learn as many languages as you can.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:21:39
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