Best friend is dating my ex-boyfriend. i felt betrayed?

2015-02-17 6:23 pm
I broke up with my ex-boyfriend almost 10 years ago. The main reason was that he is a total control freak. He wanted me to spend every single minute with him alone. While I was with him, I could not have my social life. I could not hang out with friends, and he got angry if I spend time with family/relative without him.

We have a group of mutual friends, so we used to hang out as a group. Ever since we started dating, he disliked all the girls in the group. My best friend is always around while we were dating, so he hated her badly. He had said so much bad things about her. Samewise, my best friend saw he was such a demanding guy, she hated him, too. Anyway, we broke up. His reason was - I spent too much time with my best friend and did not treat him like a boyfriend.

10 years passed, my best-friend and my ex is now dating! I was shocked to hear that. I felt being betrayed. Honestly, I do not have any feelings towards my ex anymore, but when I saw my best friend with him together, I felt so disgusting.

I told my best friend that I could not accept you being with him together. If you really have to choose him, let our friendship stops here. She did not say a word, but keep dating this guy. I am really mad.

But why am I so mad? I don't know.

So, who is wrong here?

回答 (5)

2015-02-17 6:35 pm
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I'd understand if you felt like your friend was making a huge mistake by ignoring everything you went through with him. I'd also understand if you didn't feel you could be around them as a couple, and asked for her understanding in that. But feeling "betrayed" and issuing ultimatums is more than a little much. If he hasn't changed, she needs your support more than she needs another person trying to tell her what to do. And if he has, that doesn't mean she's reaping the benefits of your suffering; it just means he's not the same person he was 10 years on any more than you are. Again, give yourself space from them if you need it, but realize this is less about him or her or them together than you, and get whatever help you need sorting through the emotions this has stirred up.
2015-02-17 6:24 pm
10 years!? Get over it.
2015-02-17 6:24 pm
If 10 days had passed you would be right to be mad. But 10 years, I think let the past go, and be happy for both of them.
2015-02-17 7:01 pm
Betrayed? You should feel worried for your friend - by the sounds of it she is now in a relationship with someone manipulative and controlling, which isn't healthy for her. She has chosen him, so as a good friend you should accept that, but stick around, because when it all ends in tears you should be there to help her pick up the pieces.
2015-02-17 6:35 pm
Nothing and no one is wrong here. All are right. Human mentality is changeable. One can change his or her basic habit specially bad habit. and we should encourage them. As you leaved him before 10 years, it's a long time. And as they were known to each other previously which was connected with you, now they can move forward together. Nothing is wrong here. However you may feel crazy as you loved him. A true love can make anyone crazy. So nothing to worry. Just try to accept the event and be patient.

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