
2015-02-18 3:06 am
我在2001年開始為ABC Company 工作直至2012年下午2:30分,咁在下午2:30:01秒我為另外一間公司工作,想問問我在下午2:30:01秒講"I have worked for
ABC Company." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-02-18 6:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以 time line 黎講, 因為 01 秒時你已經係另一間公司做野, 00 秒係已經過去左既事, 所以係"I had worked for ABC company" (如果想用 have, 果一刻係 00 秒)

* 不過以英文黎講, 好少咁樣用詞, 而家純以 time line 黎討論

2015-02-18 10:10:56 補充:
其實發問者係以 timeline 黎了解 tense 既用法, 而唔係真係咁, ~~

否則我都覺得佢發神經, haha
參考: 自己
2015-02-18 5:21 pm

speaking time used:-(2:30:01-2:30;00=00:01 sec)
period of time referred:-2012-2001=11 years.
The present perfect tense denotes present results of past actions.Note that the words "for" and "since" are used
We use 'for" when we refer to a period of time and "since" when we refer to a point of time in the past;eg:-00:01 sec.
Hence:-I have worked for ABC Company for 11 yrs.
Your speaking time=1sec. just to mean the immediate past while people would understand.No problem.
2015-02-18 4:39 pm
一秒前在 ABC Company工作, 一秒後在另外一間公司工作
一踏入新公司那一瞬間, 便對人講或自語自言 ?? ~ 邏輯上有問題

假設上午在 ABC Company工作, 下午轉去另外一間公司開始新的工作
你可以講 “I worked for ABC Company before.” 事因你已經離開 ABC Co.

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