
2015-02-16 8:38 pm
我今早收到一d信,d信唔米一次過收晒分開幾次收,過左二十分鐘後我丟左三封收到既信。我宜家講"This morning, I received letters. After twenty minutes, I threw
out three of them." 想問問我寫既句子有無問題。

回答 (4)

2015-02-17 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
no problem it is very good
參考: myself
2015-02-22 1:58 pm
This morning, I received a couple of letters. After a while, I threw away three of them.
2015-02-17 9:23 am

I received three letters this morning and I threw (all of) them away twenty minutes after I received the last one.
2015-02-17 7:53 am
The simple past:-
I received some letters this morning.

The present perfect continuous:-
It shows that the action of throwing began in the past, has extended up to the present and does not show the possibility of continuation in the future:-
eg:-I have thrown away 3 of them after 20 min.

2015-02-17 04:34:35 補充:
If 3=all ;determinant all=All three are letters for the whole affair;then:3=all;then:--
I threw all of them away 20 min after well (adv) receiving (gerund) the last one.

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