Pork paranoia! 8 days after sell by date?

2015-02-16 4:32 am
I am pregnant so all meat smells bad to me, but my grandmother gave me this pork fajita mix she got from the deli that had a sell by date of Feb 07th. Today is the 15th and I couldn't tell if it smelled bad. It did not change color except for slight oxidation on the outside next to the wrapper. I keep reading if not frozen by sell by date to eat within 7 days as it's loin cut and mostly missing all fat but then some places say to eat within 3 days. My fiancee a certified nutritionist said if it doesn't smell you can probably eat it but A. The veggies in it make it smell different and B. All meat smells bad to me. I cooked the crap out of but still got paranoid and called my man at work who said he can't tell if he didn't see it raw. Did I cook the pork for nothing? Will microwaving the crap out of it get rid of the possible toxins?

回答 (3)

2015-02-16 6:01 am
Just throw it away. It's giving you too much stress, and even if it is fine, you will imagine that you are sick.
2015-02-16 4:40 am
If it has a toxin is it going to kill my baby.....And I only meant in addition to cooking it on the stove not in place of
2015-02-16 4:36 am
Microwaving the pork will not make it any more safe than cooking it on the stove top burner or in the oven. Chances are you will be fine, but if you start to feel sick go the Emergency room or try to reach to reach your doctor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:20:33
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