what is black and white and eats like a horse - A ZEBRA?

2015-02-15 11:51 pm

回答 (5)

2015-02-16 12:57 am
A Nun who eats alfalfa (sprouts).
2015-02-17 9:07 pm
I'm not sure whether this is (1) a genuine question or (2) if it's genuine what you really want to know. Zebras and horses are closely related. They are in the same family and genus. All species of zebra and horse are in the genus Equus (if I could format on y!a this word would be in italics).
2015-02-16 8:41 pm
Or a black and white horse.
Or a football team.
2015-02-15 11:56 pm
Sounds correct to me!
2015-02-15 11:54 pm

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