english homework for f.3 in hk

2015-02-16 4:20 am
what is 自我控制,plz help me

回答 (2)

2015-02-17 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
(I) Self-control is a person's ability to refrain from committing a misbehaviour.
Usually, it involves two persons or parties.

In fact, the capacity and desire for self-control have great influences on a
person’s behaviour.

(II) Guess that you are going to write an essay on “self-control”

Below are some guidelines to follow:
(1)The meaning of self-control
(2)An example of a classroom case in which a student acts under good
self-control. Add your comments.
(3)An example of classroom case in which a student misbehaves, that is,
acting out of self-control. Add your comments too
(4)Can add in cases of good/bad self-control you heard from news.
(5)Draw your conclusion –
(i) how important is self-control to a person?
(ii) how can you achieve it ?
2015-02-17 3:39 am

the ability to behave calmly and sensibly even when you feel very excited, angry etc

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