Who do you think deserves the blame for the rise of ISIS? Obama or Bush?

2015-02-15 2:51 am
Although Bush invaded Iraq for some pretty foolish reasons. He doesn't deserve the blame because he wanted to stay in Iraq and finish the job. Hell, he even predicted the rise of ISIS(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84ukJlcpqEY)

Obama, however, chose to do nothing while ISIS began taking territory in Iraq. He was warned countless times by military officials and even Hillary Clinton himself of the threat that ISIS presented. He sought to withdraw from Iraq simply for the 2012 campaign and in doing so let ISIS become a threat.

回答 (17)

2015-02-15 2:56 am
Bush thought the job was finished on May 1, 2003.

I blame Bush because without his invasion, there would have been no "job" to finish. If he hadn't broken Iraq, we wouldn't have had to spend a trillion dollars and countless lives trying to "fix" what he broke.
2015-02-15 2:52 am
I blame Bush. When we invaded an Egyptian colleague told me, I guarantee you that the cure will be worse than the disease.

He further said that America doesn't understand that it takes a harsh dictator like Saddam to control those crazy bas_ads over there.
2015-02-15 2:53 am
Bush. He started all of this. After 9/11 Americans were upset and wanted war immediately. Bush took advantage of this. Iraq was quite stable before the war.
2015-02-15 2:53 am
Liberals just keep blaming bush for everything that happens under Obama's watch. Weren't they proud at first of Obama's marvelous "Arab Spring"?
2015-02-15 2:59 am
The world for allowing such evil to exist
2015-02-15 2:55 am
Why is someone in the U.S. responsible for everything that goes on in other countries? One of the reasons for the rise of ISIS is their feeling that Muslim countries have become too liberal, too westernized. They want to create their own caliphate where they can institute what they think is a purer Islamic system. They may have chosen Iraq because there was a power vacuum there, but that isn't the root cause for their existence.
2015-02-15 2:53 am
Wrong. bush signed the status of forces agreement, and it was the CIA, NOT BUSH, that 'predicted' what would happen in Iraq a year BEFORE Bush invaded the country, in 2002. Moreover, After Bush completely destabilized Iraq, he also released the top leadership of ISIS from US prisons in Iraq, in 2004, allowing them to build their terrorist network in the destabilized Iraq.
2015-02-15 3:00 am
The left is full of hypocrisy...

They blame Bush for everything...Even stuff that happened in 2014, they blame Bush...

They claim to support gay rights and gay marriage, but they are the first to call people a F@ggot in youtube comments if someone doesn't agree with their opinion....
2015-02-15 2:54 am
obammie and his brothers
2015-02-15 2:59 am
Clinton. ISIS began in 1999
2015-02-15 2:55 am
ISIS belongs to Obama. When he first took office his pet Biden was crowing about what a success Iraq was going to be for the Obama presidency. If he owned the coming success he must also own the inevitable failure of his policies.

2015-02-15 2:53 am
Both but in the grand scheme of things I seriously doubt that President Bush would have ignored his entire national security council when making Foriegn policy decisions. I'm not sure what President Obama was thinking.

And I agree. President Obama's decision to leave Iraq does reek of Presidential politics.
2015-02-15 2:52 am
2015-02-15 2:54 am
Obama 100%.

When Obama took office in 2008 Bush left him a stable, terror-free and democratic Iraq.

Everyone of Obama's military advisors told him to keep 10,000 American troops in Iraq.

Of course the left will want to 'have their cake and eat it too' (listen carefully)

They will argue that it was Bush's fault because he negotiated a pull out date. (even Obama argued this nonsense)

Yet, when you ask them if Obama should have tried to re-negotiate that date (he didn't) the liberal scum will become catatonic and as soon as they snap out of it will quickly change the topic.

Disagree with me you also disagree with BOTH Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, Obama's Defense Secretaries at the time.
2015-02-15 3:04 am
I blame Iraq for not taking care in their own country.And of course the terrriorists themselves.You simply cannot get sanity from insanity.Bush made the mess and we are now living with the rest. I don't think it is a question of blame so much as it is a question of bad choices.
2015-02-15 2:58 am
The CIA.
2015-02-15 2:58 am
Obama supplied Syrian rebels with arms. Released the ISIS leader from our custody in 2009. Then withdrew US troops from Iraq. Then is forced to at least make token airstrikes; as ISIS surges across Syrian and Iraq. Making either a new Babylonia or Assyria. From the way ISIS acts? The barbarism of Assyria is reborn.

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