
2015-02-13 5:06 am
近排自己多睇新聞 抄低唔識既字
我會搵張紙 寫曬一堆字既中文意思
之後自己再寫返英文 好似默書咁 另外亦會複習生字既讀音

但係 我發覺 咁樣始終好難活用
例如, 當我想講英文既時候 我諗唔到用咩字
反而如果寫文 就會用到比較深既字

請問一下, 有冇方法可以推介?

回答 (5)

2015-02-13 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Anonymous with a limited ability:-How to use English in an active sense:-
The 4 points must be observed:-
If you're interested in English,.arrange your time.Listen with Eng.skills+ability.:Learn International phonetic,IPA.with ability to understand as a foreigner does.Hear and memorise the phonetics+words.Pay attention to, take notice of,speak+communicate when you listen to TVB Pearl for the conversation.
Revise your vocab.pronunciation.Active usage needs your vocab.Improve your speaking level=speaking aspects need 3 hrs a day because more effort=more gain;No pain, No gain.Express yourself,state your opinion,hold a conversation,say something,and say what you think with a foreigner.The audio equipment gramophone be used for your speaking.
Read the Standard Weekend Glitz with your 20 vocab,translate E/C=Dictation Exercises.Good fundamental English Grammar should be studied+interpreted. Look up the Dictionary without fear Eng.till success through the S1-S6.Read simple Oxford progressive books=to read a story to study and to interpret.Find what you are interested in playing Computer games. Your image memory helps you learn vocab,phonetics easier at the same time.
To write your thought=to write a compo.Yes,writing essay can use difficult words because you've time to look up the Dictionary.Write your 20 vocab.list copied from the Standard Newspaper on your writing paper,writing pad,or note pad which costs some HK dollars !Learn Grammar ,syntax,linguistic terms in your language grammar schoolRemember,jot down things you write/speak on 3 hrs. a day.
Anonymous:-Did you listen to what I said ?

2015-02-15 09:44:27 補充:
Listen to what TVB Pearl programme said,pay attention to and repeat at same time;because listen=speak.Lend an ear to Pop-songs also. Oh,it is rather easy now ,listen-speak !
2015-02-15 7:56 pm
你可以多讀一d english book or d story because我都是這造can help my english
參考: myself
2015-02-13 5:46 pm
1) You have to start talking to yourself when you get up in the morning.

Let me wash my face, brush my teeth, change before having breakfast

oh, it is rather late. I have to hurry up or I will be late.

2) Do get a habit of writing what has happened everyday

It is sport day in school........
The weather is fine and sunny. The temperature is about 12-19 degree Celius

3) read more books or newspaper - write all the words you do not know and revise them

Try to make sentence with new words you learn daily or every other day
2015-02-13 6:43 am
不知怎樣學好英文,請做好以下有五點:1. 查字典,讓自己刻服對英文的恐懼。2. 學記憶力,能讓自己更容易去記生字和拼音。3. 學「國際音標」,懂發音,讓自己有能力去聽懂外國人的英語。4. 學聆聽英語,鍛鍊聽英文的能力。5. 學英文文法,學懂寫英文的能力。以上五點,你可根據自己的能力去安排時間學習。這些練習是要達至基礎為目的,因為都是基本功。不過你還是要衡量自己的能力,來調節那些要多下苦功,那些已達基礎。
學記憶力:學圖像記憶法,它能幫助你更易去學習。你可以去圖書館借一些有關圖像記憶法... 等之類的書看,也可到書局(我在商X書局看到的)看一本叫「增強記憶力」萬里機構出版的。你學了它後,都可幫助你記生字、拼音、歷史… 等等各學科。
2015-02-13 5:25 am
2015-02-12 9:40 pm
本週之星 知識長,你可能又會被檢...


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