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To Anonymous with a limited ability:-How to use English in an active sense:-
The 4 points must be observed:-
If you're interested in English,.arrange your time.Listen with Eng.skills+ability.:Learn International phonetic,IPA.with ability to understand as a foreigner does.Hear and memorise the phonetics+words.Pay attention to, take notice of,speak+communicate when you listen to TVB Pearl for the conversation.
Revise your vocab.pronunciation.Active usage needs your vocab.Improve your speaking level=speaking aspects need 3 hrs a day because more effort=more gain;No pain, No gain.Express yourself,state your opinion,hold a conversation,say something,and say what you think with a foreigner.The audio equipment gramophone be used for your speaking.
Read the Standard Weekend Glitz with your 20 vocab,translate E/C=Dictation Exercises.Good fundamental English Grammar should be studied+interpreted. Look up the Dictionary without fear Eng.till success through the S1-S6.Read simple Oxford progressive books=to read a story to study and to interpret.Find what you are interested in playing Computer games. Your image memory helps you learn vocab,phonetics easier at the same time.
To write your thought=to write a compo.Yes,writing essay can use difficult words because you've time to look up the Dictionary.Write your 20 vocab.list copied from the Standard Newspaper on your writing paper,writing pad,or note pad which costs some HK dollars !Learn Grammar ,syntax,linguistic terms in your language grammar schoolRemember,jot down things you write/speak on 3 hrs. a day.
Anonymous:-Did you listen to what I said ?
2015-02-15 09:44:27 補充:
Listen to what TVB Pearl programme said,pay attention to and repeat at same time;because listen=speak.Lend an ear to Pop-songs also. Oh,it is rather easy now ,listen-speak !