Atheists: when you find out hell is real-would you re-cant? if you could.?

2015-02-11 7:32 pm

回答 (19)

2015-02-11 7:34 pm
No, because that would mean worshipping a highly immoral and despicable God. And I cannot only find it in myself to 'love' and 'worship' him beyond superficially, so he'll probably send me there anyways.
2015-02-12 2:17 pm
A little too late by that time, keith
2015-02-12 1:27 pm
It will be a cold day in hell before any one will prove Hell is real.
2015-02-11 9:14 pm
Apparently you do not realize that "your" perception of hell is not from the bible. You assume much knowing little which is quite evident.
2015-02-11 8:57 pm
When you find out there is no such place as hell - what YOU gonna do?
2015-02-11 8:10 pm
i have no reason to believe stories written 2000 years ago when people didn't know much about the real world.
2015-02-11 7:47 pm
You playing out your childish revenge fantasy on people who don't swallow the tripe you do, makes no impression on my opinions regarding made-up worlds.
2015-02-11 7:37 pm
So, basically you are saying if you can prove that this supernatural place actually exists and you are doing so with solid, very researched evidence would atheists believe in a god? Personally, I would not jump to that conclusion. Proving a hell exists shows a hell exists. You would still need to prove that a god exists. There have been so many different religions make different claims about places similar to hell. It could be possible that it exists and yet a god does not. Now, a discovery of a hell would open the door to the possibility that a god may exist since it would be proving the supernatural.

Alas, since there is no evidence of a hell then you are just wasting time pondering such things.
2015-02-11 7:35 pm
Sure, if I found out hell exists and a simple recanting will keep me out - I'd do it.
Also, if the earth was ripped asunder and fairies riding flying unicorns started shooting people with cats with laser eyes and demanded an ice cream cone or they would shoot me - I'd get them the cone.

Not sure what that proves.
2015-02-11 7:34 pm
We're only here for the second death

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