政府仲可以做咩 英文點寫

2015-02-12 7:45 am
政府仲可以做咩 英文點寫?

回答 (6)

2015-03-01 3:31 am
What else can the government possibly do?
2015-02-22 1:32 pm
What else could the government possibly do?
2015-02-18 11:08 am
Full credit should be given to 知足常樂
Unlike the "Copycat" 回答者, 他不貪功, 只求幫忙有需要的網友, 值得我們學習

If we copy a “sentence” from other people, we should have the basic courtesy to acknowledge it.
If we make a mistake, even a slip of the pen, we should have the courage to admit our fault.

2015-02-18 03:16:52 補充:
翻譯這個句子, 用 consider 是錯, consider 是解:”考慮”,
除此之外, can 後面不可以用 "considers", 應該用 bare infinitive
"What else can the (responsible) government considers?" ~ wrong
2015-02-18 1:19 am
政府仲可以做咩 英文點寫?

What other measures can the government take?
2015-02-12 4:24 pm
"else" adv. in addition to something already mentioned.
What else can the (responsible) government do (considers) ?
Hence:-What else can the government do ?

2015-02-19 23:24:46 補充:
I acknowledged .
2015-02-12 7:48 am
What else can the government do?

2015-02-18 11:22:45 補充:
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