What if you don't believe in Jesus?

2015-02-11 12:02 am
What I don't understand is that if you don't accept Jesus as your savior you go to hell. What if you believe someone else like another god i.e. Allah, WHAT are you suppose to do when all of the other religions to do with have the same (If you don't believe me I will send you to hell) concept. Isn't that fucked up, What if one god is right and the others are false and you basically waste your entire life believing in god doing good for him where in the end you get f*cked. I kinda believe why people become Atheist now..

回答 (19)

2015-02-11 12:09 am
Like so many others, you got that backwards. You don't go to hell for NOT believing in Jesus; rather, Jesus rescues you from the hell that your sins have purchased your one way ticket for.

Because all have sinned, and because the wages of sin is death (eternity in hell), therefore hell is the default.

Believing in Jesus gets us OUT of hell.

Believe in what ever god or gods you want, but only Jesus can get us into heaven.

So, ultimately, it's up to you as an individual who you will follow and serve.

Like I said, you don't go to hell for not believing in Jesus, because that's the default. You get OUT of hell if you put your trust in Him.
2015-02-11 12:08 am
Thats why it is so vital to know and observe the truth. The eternal fate of your soul is at stake. Study the Holy Bible so you can make a wise and informed decision.

Jhn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Jhn 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

Those are terrifying words. Heed them.

Hopefully you can now see that atheism can't change the truth. And it surely cannot save you. It only puts you in denial of reality. If you still don't believe then just man up and say okay i'll take my lumps.
2015-02-11 1:13 am
You said that you just waste your time in doing good? Does it mean you love doing bad things? If hope you were not. You know, if we are going to know what God teaches in a nutshell (even if you are tired of reading the bible), here it is..

"Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matthew 22:36-40)

Of course if you love God at first, you will not ignore what He says in the second. If you love people, then you are loving Him. The whole purpose of following God is to treat everyone as yourself like they were important to you. The whole purpose is to love thy neighbors then, other commandments of God were just supplements like feeding the hungry, loving your enemy, helping the helpless, be the eyes of the blind, be the legs of the lame, be the protector of the threatened or even be the strength of the weak. The whole purpose is to build a nation zealous of good works.

You, know there's still a lot of people who don't know a thing about God, especially in isolated places where they live and die. But, even they don't know Him, they still follow God. How? By doing good works! They were not even aware of this, but they were aware of their "conscience" which was planted by God in the hearts of every man. All people with awareness have this. It was just the our power to choose (free will) if we will obey or not.

If you are going to ask me about religion, you better study and try to find out for yourself. The Bible is not a lie backed up by science and history and its foreknowledge that are now facts. Quran or other western scriptures were not as authentic as the Bible and have a lot of errors and contradiction on them.

I didn't became an atheist when I also questioned about my faith before, yes, because I know what's better to do than just nothing.
參考: theoldpath.tv
2015-02-11 12:13 am
You've got lots of questions here. I could only address 2.
First, there is only one God. all the others who claimed to be God are all false Gods.
Second, you know God, the Lord, is real because He ascended to Heaven. All the other so-called Gods died and got buried.
2015-02-11 12:05 am
well since you bring up Jesus, then you must make a decision about whether to accept or reject.
but as for others, that's in God's hands.
2015-02-11 2:07 am
What is the origin of the myth? “Of all classical Greek philosophers, the one who has had the greatest influence on traditional views of Hell is Plato.”—Histoire des enfers (The History of Hell), by Georges Minois, page 50.
“From the middle of the 2nd century AD Christians who had some training in Greek philosophy began to feel the need to express their faith in its terms . . . The philosophy that suited them best was Platonism [the teachings of Plato].”—The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 25, page 890.
“The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God.”—Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994 edition, page 270.
What does the Bible say? “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, . . . for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Revised Standard Version
2015-02-11 12:11 am
If you don't believe in Jesus, usually means they believe in something else. Granted he's a figure in one of many religions. As for whether disbelieving in him sends you to hell, that would depend on what you believe. A similar case could be said for Zeus, Osiris or Anu. Simply put, there is no certainty, only what you believe. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong. Perhaps we're all wrong, or maybe we're all to some degree right.
2015-02-11 12:09 am
Well yeah, there is no way to confirm which religion is correct. If you watch videos of Muslims talking about Allah, they put forth the exact same arguments as Christians that convinces them it's real, and they say it's the only way to god, Islam that is. They give the exact same accounts as to why they think Allah is the one true god. They prayed and he revealed himself to them and such, the same thing. And they also will say Allah is the only way to heaven.

This is why Christians have to resort to "Well if you seek Jesus hard enough, you will know he is the one true god." Or "Jesus had put into everyone's heart that he is real, everyone knows this, if they say they don't, they are lying." But Muslims will say the same things about Allah and people knowing he is the one true god. And that is just 2 religions out of the thousands and thousands that are floating around out there. You can't really confirm any of them, like people claim.
2015-02-11 12:22 am
Live a good life, treat others as you want to be treated. You should be safe. If you end up in hell, then it means there is a god and he's a genuine SOB. It means we're all screwed. Not worth worrying about.
2015-02-11 12:42 am
God lights the way of salvation in our hearts. If He hasn't done so for you, then something is very wrong. You can be sure, there will be no excuse when you stand before God after death for not knowing the way to everlasting life. Even little 5 year olds will be going right past you into heaven - what will be your excuse? If you didn't believe then it is either your fault or God's fault. When Adam sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, he blamed God. Adam told God, "It's that woman that you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit to eat." What excuse are you going to use to blame God for not believing the truth?

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