What can I do about my apartment situation?

2015-02-09 1:56 am
So Thursday was the day I moved in to my first apartment and when I moved in I was given a form to fill out about the apartment condition but every since the first time I've stepped foot in the apartment I've been itching and once I started to clean I found pet hair everywhere. I notified them and she replied saying that there was never a pet in the apartment which has to be a lie because I've been cleaning it up since the day I moved in and still finding everywhere. Iasked her to replace the carpet and she said that maintenance would clean it again on Monday which is another lie because the carpet apparently was never cleaned at all and then on top of that the dryer does not work. I don't like being ripped off and then they have a bullish lease explaining how they can do all this and this about whatever I don't pay and do right. But it's not fair for them to get over on me and i'm paying for some sht that's not working when I could have just moved into a lower priced apartment in the first placed. I don't even want to stay there anymore. How do I get out of this?????????????????????????????

By the way the apartment is in Bedford, Texas and I have pics of all the pet hair and i'm allergic to pet hair

回答 (8)

2015-02-09 3:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You signed a lease, you don't get out of it. They will fix the things that need fixing. If they don't you sue them. You must give them a reasonable time frame to get it done.
2015-02-09 7:50 am
You can't get out of the lease. It is your fault for not viewing the place prior to moving in. Nothing you state gives you the right to break the lease without penalty.
2015-02-09 4:01 am
First there could have been no documentation of a pet being in that apartment. LOTS of people do it just so they do not pay for the pet deposit.

Second it is not required for the carpets to be replaced just because there was a pet in them. A standard steam clean should work. They should also fog the apartment before doing the clean so the fleas will be done.

Third you should have done a walk through WITH the landlord/leasing agents to see what was wrong with it.

Fourth the dryer can easily be fixed, it could be a fuse, it could be a broken knob. That is why maintenance is there.

You cannot get out of it. You signed a lease and have to stick to it. You can attempt to break it but be prepared to pay a lot out of pocket.
參考: Work for an apartment complex and have dealt with everything you are talking about.
2015-02-09 2:56 am
Because of the fact that you didn't say anything when they asked you to fill out the form about the condition of the apartment...you are stuck....all because they have the form that you filled out
2015-02-09 2:49 am
You don't get out of it. They clean the carpets, they fix the dryer.

Does your lease guarantee that no pet has ever lived there before? No it does not.
2015-02-09 2:09 am
No court is going to let you out of a lease due to a little bit of pet hair unless you were perfectly clear to the landlord before renting that you CANNOT live in a place that has ever had a pet in it.

Since you didn't do that, put on your big girl panties and vacuum the rug. And then when you are done vacuuming the run, vacuum it again. And if you still don't think the pet hair is gone, go purchase a vacuum that works and vacuum it again. There is no reason that the carpet would need to be replaced.

As for the dryer, you have to tell the property manager in writing that the dryer doesn't work. If it's in your lease that you have a dryer that works, they will fix it.

Yes, you could have rented a cheaper place but you didn't. This is the place you selected and signed the lease to. If you don't like it, I guess blame yourself for not doing the proper research first.
2015-02-09 11:06 pm
You have no legal grounds to get out if anything.

People lie & sneak pets in. The management may not have known. Yes landlriods should clean carpets between tenants but it is not legally required. They have4 no obligation to clean it upon demand either.

You must submit a proper written work order for the dryer then you have to give them reasonable time to fix it. This is also something they may not have known about. If the last tenant snuck in pets they likely never reported the broken dryer so they would not get caught. They cannot fix something they do not know is broken.

If you " I'll make sure they don't want to keep this lease." Prepare to get sued.

Yes they are wrong & have done some screwed up stuff but none of it was illegal. They have the legal right to charge you if you break the lease.

EDIT: You need to drop the attitude, dust the chip off your shoulder and follow the law. Not saying they did not screw up but the law is on their side here & having a temper tantrum will not help you in any way.
2015-02-09 2:23 am
I've been vacuuming back to back and it's never completely gone. The vacuum i've been using is brand new and no I am not purchasing another one. I'm not blaming myself for anything. But since these people sugar coat and lie about their apartment complex their always going to have a problem from me. I'll make sure they don't want tokeep this lease.

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