F.5 Maths a.s. and g.s.

2015-02-09 1:38 am
Picture: http://postimg.org/image/hxjgmp5f9/

In the figure, a kid at B is 6m ahead of a dog at A. They are running in the same
direction with constant speeds along a straight road. When the kid runs to C, the
dog runs to B. When the kid runs to D, the dog runs to C, and so on. The speed of the dog is 3 times that of the kid. How far does the dog have to run before
overtaking the kid?

I have no idea to calculate this question as I don't know what is the question
talking about...
Please help, thank you!

回答 (3)

2015-02-09 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
required distance
=6+6(1/3)+6(1/3)^2+6(1/3)^3+... *
=6/(1-(1/3)) **

* AS with 1st term 6 and common ratio 1/3
** GS sum to infinity
參考: me
2015-02-09 6:57 pm
當小狗跑 6 m,孩子會跑了 6*(1/3) m;
當小狗跑 6*(1/3) m,孩子會跑了 6*(1/3)^2 m;
當小狗跑 6*(1/3)^2 m,孩子會跑了 6*(1/3)^3 m;
=9 (m)

[這是 g.s., a=6, r=1/3, |r| < 1, sum to infinity=a/(1-r)]

2015-02-09 10:59:36 補充:

2015-02-10 11:20:30 補充:
可惜教科書從來都不會說它想學生知道什麼 (其實老師版的教科書有說明的),

所以只能靠老師,老師不懂 (或不說),學生也只能靠天份了。
2015-02-09 4:43 am
我欣賞 fff 網友可以利用 G.S. sum to infinity 的概念作答。


其實不理會 F.5 的 A.S. 和 G.S. 也可以用初中的想法計算。

Let the speed of the kid is x m/s, then the speed of the dog is 3x m/s.

Let t seconds be the time that the dog has to run before overtaking the kid.

Recall: Distance = Speed * Time

2015-02-08 20:43:54 補充:
Then, the distance traveled by the kid is xt m,
and the distance traveled by the dog is 3xt m,

3xt - xt = 6
2xt = 6
xt = 3
3xt = 9

The required distance traveled by the dog is 9 m.

2015-02-10 07:16:29 補充:
Re: YTC:

Re: 少年時 老師:

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:13:07
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