I feel like God has abandoned me, like he no longer wants to answer my prayers?

2015-02-08 5:42 am
First of all im do believe in Gods existence. I just dont feel his presence anymore. I recently got married and we recently had a baby. I have a job but its barely enough to put food on the table and pay rent. I desperately need a better job. I do have a degree and pretty decent experience but interview after interview i have had no luck. No one has hired me. I used to pray so hard before each interview, and i feel that i had faith but it never worked out. I feel so abandoned by God, im at the point where i no longer want to pray to Him, or go to church or give at church. God knows my faith level, and he knows that my faith has dried up but he still hasnt blessed me. Im sick of this feeling. I have a little brother who has the same degree as me but he makes 100k a year. Wen he got his job i was fired from mine. Im starting to resent my brother even though i dont want to. Im just so sick of this cycle of praying and not getting blessing!!! Im about to just completely ignore God and do my own thing in order to provide for my family. If i must cheat steal and lie i will because at this point my baby girl and wife are more important. If god will not listen to my honest prayers then i dont need him. It hurts to say but im just being honest. I just need to to get this off my chest. I need someone, anyone to know what im going through because my God doesnt seem to give a ****.

回答 (9)

2015-02-08 5:50 am
you are employed at a time when there are many who are not only unemployed, but some have been looking for a year + w/o any employer allowing them to be hired; "I have had no luck" - there is no such thing as luck, especially to a Believer; you need to remember that God does things according to His plans - not ours - and that His ways are not always our ways............this is a time to be closer to God, not further away !! ask Him to guide you, and allow Him to do so w/o expecting that He will do something for you right away ( I have been unemployed for almost a year, and despite a few interviews for positions I am very qualified for, God has different plans for me than I do, so I wait for His guidance )
2015-02-08 5:57 am
Watch this clip from the movie God's not dead.

That scene made me think of your situation. The man in it doesn't pray pray or go to church or anything, yet he believes that his life is great. And the old lady suffers from Alzheimer's or something and is not right in the head. And she spent her life going to church and praying and everything. This made him believe that it's not worth trying to please God and do what is right as a Christian. And the lady gives a great explanation to why this is. Gives a great way to look at it.

Things on earth don't matter. Material items don't matter. What matters is your relationship with God. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes things don't go how you would like. But it is unfair to blame all of your troubles on God.

I suggest watching "God's not Dead" it is a great movie and I really liked it.
2015-02-08 6:08 am
This is what God promised:

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13

As long as you are in Jesus Christ ALL of the promises in the Bible apply to you. If you are not in Jesus Christ NONE of the promises apply to you.

So I suggest make sure you have surrendered your life to Christ totally, repent of your sins and ask him to live in your heart.

Number two, teh devil is obviously lying to you about God. There is a battle going on in your mind.

Buy the book from Joyce Meyer "Battlefield of the Mind" - a bestseller that has helped hundreds of thousands of people. This book is the best out there to help people like you.
2015-02-08 6:07 am
A lot of people have this misconception that God is only here to help them out in this world. I struggle with that misconception all the time, so you're certainly not alone. Putting food on the table is essential, as you know, but you're doing it. You're managing. You're still alive, and breathing, and you have a family who loves you. It's hard, I know, but think about what God says in Matthew 10:29-31.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

God has numbered all the hairs of your head, and not even a simple sparrow can fall from the sky without God allowing it. It's a beautiful verse, and it illustrates just how much God cares for you.

This world is a horrible place. There's killing, war, starvation, natural disasters. It's hard, sometimes, to think there is a mighty being who would allow all that. It's easy to think he's abandoned us when we struggle to put food on the table or can't find a job, or if we've lost someone close to us and don't know where to turn. Bottom line, this world sucks.

But guess what? God didn't send Jesus down to this miserable place to help you get a better job. It's so much bigger than that. God sent his perfect son as a sacrifice so you could live in Heaven with him. Heaven will be so much better than this place. Think about the streets of gold, the gates of pearls, and an eternity with the loving, wonderful Creator of the universe! It's a beautiful thing!

Your struggles right now are a trial. God is testing your faith. Look at this passage from Zechariah 13:9—
"And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God."

God is making you a better Christian through these earthly trials. He's teaching you to trust Him more. Remember Job, and how much he was tested? Job lost his material possessions and so much more. He lost his children and his family. But through that, God made him a better Christian, and Job serves as an example of the trust we should all have for God.

I'll be praying for you and your situation. I hope you find a better job and find it easier to provide for your family, and I also hope your faith stays strong. Remember, God saved you eternally. The life of a Christian isn't easy, but the eternal reward is worth every step of the way.
2015-02-08 6:05 am
So many people are discouraged because God doesn't answer their prayer even though they had faith. But prayer means asking for spiritual things, like to be closer to God. That is what God is guaranteed to answer. He answers anyone who humbly/earnestly prays to be led further along spiritually. That's what prayer is I believe. If he granted all wishes (even when people believed) that would mean controlling people in many cases. He already knows what we need anyway. God is about spiritual things that will help you and lead you to happiness in the long-run. The problems in the world will seem like nothing in the afterlife, and this life will be as if only a moment. So God will work to make you a better person spiritually, even if it's at the cost of an easy life. I think you're expecting a lower kind of blessing that God isn't about. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." I find life works out if the focus is on God/spiritual things. Bad things happen in life that aren’t God’s fault, but you end up with what you need, and with better values. When people value worldly things, sometimes they lose them in order for them to learn higher values that lead to real happiness. In Exodus 32, the people make a golden cow. That corresponds to when we value the wrong things. They end up destroyed because that's like worshiping idols. I think good/higher values are supposed to come out of this; good luck.
2015-02-08 6:49 am
the primitive idea of god you hold was understandable when they thought the earth was the center of the universe and god lived in heaven just above the clouds but here in the 21st century when we know how immense the universe is it's difficult to understand how anyone can expect a god even if he exists to hear a prayer, even on physical level space is a vacuum and sound can't travel in a vacuum
2015-02-08 6:29 am
Well...the Bible says this: And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it. (John 14:13-14 NAB)

What I'm constantly told is that you aren't supposed to have any expectations and just trust that whatever it is, is in God's hands; don't expect to do terrible...or well..or anything else.

But I'm also told that God is supposed to bless believers, even though there are people of all religions that encounter horrible tragedies, or riches, or comfort from the religion they believe in, or deaths, etc.
2015-02-08 5:51 am
When I was young, it was easier to believe in God. Because I was aware I was young--obviously, I just hadn't been around long enough to witness the evidence yet. I believed, because my family, my community did.

Over time, after a lifetime of searching, I've come to the conclusion that most likely there is no god. The belief in a God who is all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing and cares about us and intervenes in the world is completely inconsistent with the real universe and reality we observe every day of our lives.

I'm not trying to deconvert you, but I would encourage you to look for real, actual, solid hard evidence. The God claim is the most extraordinary claim ever made, and a hugely important one. Look for hard evidence, and explore both sides completely, without accepting emotional appeals. Go with what you find offers the best explanation for the reality we observe, but always keep exploring, and be open to changing your mind if the evidence warrants it.

As far as the tough times you are experiencing, I too went through much of this. I married a woman who already had four children, which I adopted and raised as my own. My wife has too many health problems and cannot work, and one of the girls had leukemia and to make matters worse, never accepted me. Be strong, and do the best you can. It helped me when I realized there was no God to help me out--it was all up to me. That actually lifted a burden off of me, and I stopped expecting some sort of divine intervention to help.

Wherever your searching takes you, I truly wish you the best of luck. Hope this helps.
2015-02-08 5:49 am
he.....do u think god does listening and helpful. all the issues are brought out from what u given. u deceives what u done.

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