Should I see my dad or not? He keeps letting me down and changing plans?

2015-02-08 12:03 am
I'm supposed to be going out tomorrow with my dad, stepmom and stepsister but he texted me today changing the original plans (we were meant to be going out for a nice meal because his birthday was last week) but now we're just going for a walk and back to his house. I'm sick of him changing plans and letting me down, he always promised we'll do nice things but we always end up doing something free! my sister has already decided she isn't going and I don't know whether to go or not? Thanks

回答 (2)

2015-02-08 10:34 am
I think your sister is right. Your dad will continue letting you down if you just let him think you are ok with it. Sounds to me like he could be being torn between his old family and his new one, and giving you the bare minimum of his time to try and keep things looking right. You are making it easy for him to take the easy way, if you see what i mean. You don't have to be nasty, but you can just say something like 'I can see you are finding it difficult to find time for us, so why not find a day when you KNOW you can give us all your time and attention, and we will meet then.' This will make him see you KNOW he is shortchanging you and make him think about his priorities. You and your sister stick together on this.
2015-02-08 12:05 am
you wanna see your dad changing pants?

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