Fix it ticket but i moved out of state?

2015-02-06 3:36 pm
I got a fix it ticket for the tint on my car. I received the ticket in California this week but am moving to Oregon this weekend. Would the ticket be dismissed or do I still have to drive all the way back to southern cali and go to court?

回答 (6)

2015-02-06 3:38 pm
For a fix it ticket you normally fix the issue, have a police officer verify it is fixed and mail in the ticket. If you leave without dealing with it your license will be suspended and warrant for your arrest will be issued. You will not be able to get a license in Oregon until this is resolved.
2015-02-07 12:49 am
You do not HAVE to fix a "fix it" ticket if you are willing to pay the charge for the citation itself, which is about $200. If you did not fix the tint and have it signed off before you left California, it would probably be cheaper just to pay the full fine. You can do that online (this is not a DMV point so you need not worry about that). Go here and follow the traffic link for the county where the citation was issued:
2015-02-06 3:44 pm
Once you can prove that the problem has been solved, shouldn't the ticket be dismissed? You cannot ignore it.
2015-02-06 7:04 pm
Why would it be dismissed just because you are moving? You got the ticket and you have to pay the fine (if there was one) and get the window fixed. You might be able to send a copy of your receipt for having it fixed. Send it in or call and ask if you still need to show up in court if you send in your proof of having it fixed.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-02-06 4:07 pm
You have to drive back,. The ticket doesn't get dismissed because you move.
2015-02-06 3:37 pm
Pay the ticket before you leave.

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