Does the bible say anything about this?

2015-02-06 3:12 pm
This might be a dumb question to some as i dont know the bible that well. But i was wondering if it mentioned anything regarding a person dating an older person? Like if your 20 and hes 30 etc. is it considered a sin or can we choose what our heart wants.

No rude answers thanks :)

回答 (15)

2015-02-06 3:24 pm
>This might be a dumb question to some as i dont know the bible that well.

Well, don't ask an xtian because they don't either.

Just to let you know. The bible and associated texts refers to (encourages) old men having sex with questionably young women.
2015-02-06 3:20 pm
There is nothing in the Bible about limitations on age differences. In fact, the Bible seems to give evidence of marriages that had large differences in age, as you mentioned ten years and even more.

If you read the book of Ruth, that is an example of a younger woman marrying an older man, and the account says that the older man, Boaz was surprised at the interest Ruth showed in him. She put herself in a position to be noticed by him, and she openly let him know of her interest. Of course there is much more to the story, and you might want to go out and read the entire book - it is not that long - and see that it shows that such marriages CAN work.

But the thing to remember, in any marriage there needs to be common ground that goes beyond the very day you are living in - that is, what you see from the person on the outside that you may have in common.. This is why the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 7:39 that individuals looking for marriage mates should have a love of God and Christ as a foundation. This mutual respect for the authority of the Bible and its commands not only gives the marriage a reason to continue "till death due you part", but it gives an authority that both will accept when differences arise.

And that is part of what Ruth and Boaz had - their common love of Jehovah God in spite of their possible decades of age difference. Their marriage resulted in them becoming grandparents of King David.
參考: One of Jehovah's Witnesses
2015-02-06 3:17 pm
Does the bible say anything about this [dating someone older]?

--- No. The Bible does not address this. Because there really was no dating or courtship in Biblical times. In fact, women weren't even asked if they wanted to marry.

A prospective groom simply worked out a deal with the woman's father. And, if the groom's offer was lucrative and the father agreed, then the daughter had to marry. Daughters had no rights of their own, the had to obey their fathers....until they married, at which point they had to obey their husbands.

However, it is true that, customarily, these sorts of arranged marriages were between older men and younger women.
2015-02-06 10:56 pm
Nope - you are completely free to date whomever you wish and AGE should not be a deciding factor in my opinion. Should be more important about a person's character, heart, values, personality, goodness and so forth.
2015-02-06 4:15 pm
There is nothing against it in the Bible.
2015-02-06 3:49 pm
you're, not your. Get it right. Date whoever you want.
2015-02-06 3:14 pm
I think that was common in those days.
2015-02-07 7:02 pm
There is nothing in the Bible about age and dating. In fact, dating isn't even mentioned.
2015-02-07 2:52 am
This may seem like a dumb answer, but the example I'm thinking of is when Ruth, the daughter in law of Naomi, married Boaz who was an elder of the city in which they lived. Obviously, Boaz was older than Ruth, but she loved her. It really doesn't matter, but you love and respect the person you want to marry.
2015-02-06 8:31 pm
The bible encouraged it, because an older man can take care of a woman much better than her contemporary counterpart
2015-02-06 7:05 pm
From what I've read, the bible only contain relationships of older men with younger women, not the other way around. And as long as they're of age and married, it's not a sin to have big age differences.
2015-02-06 3:16 pm
Dating is a custom in the western world. It was unknown 2000 years back. So, no reference is available. Observe the law of the land you live in.
2015-02-06 3:15 pm
2015-02-06 3:52 pm
There's a LOT of garbage in there, but nothing about dating older people. Keep in mind that when you're 100 he'll be 110.
2015-02-06 3:17 pm
In the bible dating is forbidden (as in having sexual relations before marriage even if that be kissing or holding hands). However, age is not a problem. Just make sure they have started puberty and are mature in mind.

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