Who is your Valentine?

2015-02-06 2:15 am

回答 (20)

2015-02-06 2:40 pm
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Valentine's Day is coming very soon! Happy Valentine's Day! I'm still alone but I know i would find my TRUE LOVE one day. Now, my Valentine is MYSELF!!! haha:)
2015-02-06 2:16 am
My hand
2015-02-06 2:20 am
my boyfriend. We're getting married on Valentine's day:)
2015-02-06 2:19 am
No one
2015-02-06 2:17 am
Don't have any. 😢
Just imaginary valentine.
2015-02-06 2:16 am
No one 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
2015-02-07 7:57 pm
I'm celebrating (SAD) Single Awareness Day on Valentines Day. hahahahahahahha
2015-02-07 7:17 pm
No One, I'm always all alone, no bf no bestfriend no sister no nothing my mom is my bestfriend actually, but rlly who would wanna date me hah IM ME :(
參考: FML??
2015-02-06 2:14 pm
A secret.
參考: A secret.
2015-02-09 12:25 pm
Drake Cassidy
2015-02-09 3:06 am
God's love is better than human love
god don't cheat
god is always there for you
plus your pet's love can't be beat

How do you think we cartoonist feel?
not many women loves is cartoonists
and that is a crime,,
2015-02-06 5:21 am
My hubby :)))
2015-02-06 3:36 am
ive only sent out one invitation..i need to check my in box...you?
2015-02-06 2:32 am
Scott Sterling! The man, the myth, the LEGEND!!!!
2015-02-06 2:29 am
No one i'm by myself this year.
2015-02-06 2:23 am
My wonderful boyfriend.
2015-02-06 2:17 am
No one, just an ordinary day in my sad little life.
2015-02-06 2:17 am
Patrick stump
2015-02-09 10:33 pm
My Valentine would be my first niece. The one that stole my heart from all the other people. And that she will always be the one that my heart will belong to. The one that i have to make sure that shes safe and okay.
2015-02-09 5:55 pm
why you asked that I do not know...because I have no idea. probably a hercule poirot mystery book by Agatha Christie. I love poirot...he is my best friend.

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