So ISIS burnt that poor man alive, I watched the video what are we the good people gonna do?

2015-02-05 7:13 am

回答 (40)

2015-02-07 5:55 am
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I didn't see the video but I understand he held on to the bars and went into a fetal position as he died. Very sad to think he was once a fetus in a fetal position and as an adult he died in same position. He went out the way he came in.. I can't imagine the sheer horror of knowing your fate ends in agonizing pain and torment. May God rest his soul..
2015-02-05 8:08 am
The only people who should watch those videos are those confirming the identity of the victims and trying to identify and locate the perpetrators.
2015-02-05 8:36 am
Islam is the enemy,everywhere,we must resist,we must begin fighting them,everywhere.
2015-02-05 7:33 am
The worst thing good men can do is watch and do nothing.
2015-02-05 7:54 am
ISIS has just upped the ante. Beheadings don't have the same shock value anymore. So you will start to see these psychopaths do even more gruesome killings.
While we in the West are outraged by these barbaric acts the pressure will have to come from the moderate Moslems around the world especially from Saudi Arabia.
2015-02-05 8:59 am
Well what the good people of Jordan did about it was, hang a confused, defenseless old woman. Maybe Israel will burn some more Palestinian children for us or we could just reign more holy fire down on Iraqi and Syrian villages.
2015-02-05 8:42 am
Little enough, I fear. Quite agree it is time to take the gloves off and give jihadism a taste of total war by the developed world. With whatever it takes to eradicate them.

Ironic to think that present day jihadism was called into being by American imperialism, though. Perhaps Clinton, Blair, all the Bushes, etc, ought to be parachuted in with the first wave.
2015-02-05 10:06 am
"WE" are civilians we can't do anything about it (except than to symphatize) but the good countries have one obvious choice and only choice which is to escalate the war against ISIS
2015-02-05 8:51 am
REASONING with such ANIMALS is pointless - and can only be resolved the same way we eradicate VERMIN, however abhorrent that might be for GOOD people.
2015-02-05 7:56 am
apparently it was done a month ago just after his capture, small nukes and chemical weapons will achieve a quick successful result, apparently assad and saddam had an understanding of how to treat arabs that was deeper than our leaders
2015-02-05 8:29 am
The West created a vacuum that's being filled by ISIS so the West had better man-up and eradicate it!
2015-02-05 7:22 am
Obama is doing nothing. Guess he isn't one of the good people.
2015-02-05 9:30 am
Look what happened when America and Britain tried to destroy Saddam of Iraq,the monster of the day.We pulled it off but when the public mood changed and Iraq became victim Blair lost his job and Bush reviled by the more left wing communities.
The same would happen again if ISIS were taken out by western forces. The force in the internet,the Trolls can destroy good people. We should let them be. and not risk it.
2015-02-06 12:46 am
Let us pray for the victims, hope God can give us a hand to avoid these tragedies.
2015-02-05 10:57 pm
REMEMBER that poor Man's Fate- the NEXT Time we Hear anyone Talk Positively of ISIS ... :o
2015-02-05 9:20 pm
But isn't 'cremation' of a muslim haram?
2015-02-05 4:43 pm
it is a problem best solved by people in that region not by outsiders. Turkey has a powerful military that could destroy ISIS but since the US and its Allies are involved Turkey just can stand by and watch. But now that ISIS has angered many nations in that region they might get more involved and it seems that Jordan already has so this might lead to the defeat of ISIS.
2015-02-05 1:01 pm
Jordan has already given their answer perhaps we need to do the same .
2015-02-05 12:45 pm
What kind of person watches a video like that? Watching such a horrific act makes me wonder what kind of person you are. Who is we, we the decent people of the UK can do nothing, its up to the Government to be stricter on extreme Islam and stop pandering to it and them.
2015-02-06 1:34 am
King Abdulla of Jordan has started to deal with ISIS. It's the beginning of the end
of that cult who no Muslim claim as part of their religion. They have the right idea
and as Arabs they will defend their religion and restore peace to their people out of
the hands if ISIS. Somebody has to step up to start the process of elimination of ISIS
if not they will contaminate the whole world and murder innocent people with no one
to stop them. Illiterate, primitive thugs who have no place in Islam but are an insult to
the religion. What is ISIS's mission in the middle east? nothing but to kill for power
and control, Jordan has to somehow put a lot of emphasis on Syria as well because it is the
root of ISIS.
2015-02-05 11:39 pm
We the good people? You mean the same GOOD people that destabilized the whole Mideast and helped to create these animals to begin with? I think we have done enough already!
2015-02-05 8:50 pm
I will buy a wristband.
2015-02-05 7:41 am
Sit around, feel disgusted and outraged, then talk about it on the internet for a few days.
2015-02-06 9:11 am
It's the stock-in-trade of a soldier to get killed, in this case his enemy burned him. This is not much different form those navigator that have perish many-times in aircraft fires during their soldiering careers.

And there's the question: what about those innocent people that he rained terror on by dropping such munition as as napalm, on them. Where are the videos for us to see of children burning to death due to his actions.Who has censored such videos? The west of cause, you are a victim of western properganda.

Your indignation about this advent is disgusting. You depict him as an innocent killer, typical one-sided American thought.
2015-02-05 1:03 pm
I don't believe you watched the video be cause if you did you would have the security services knocking on your door.
2015-02-05 11:44 am
What you doing watching the video?
2015-02-05 10:34 am
nothing -- unless you're signing up to get put on the front lines.

i think a tactical nuclear strike would be a good idea. they can burn a man alive & behead people, we can smolder hundreds of thousands of their kind in a split second.
2015-02-05 10:12 am
got to be honest here, what did the bombs he dropped on people do to other people exactly? Dropping humanitarian aid or something was he? If you live by the sword and all that. It is a war though.
2015-02-07 2:11 pm
I wish I can do something I'm trying to pray to God so he listens but everyday the same. And also this is really horrible! One step further in barbarity!

I wish Obama would stop attacking them so they wouldn't do this in retaliation!

Obama is a coward he has to send other people to do things for him.
2015-02-07 4:05 am
Pray, give humanitarian relief to those who can get out of that messy place, and maybe stop gratifying ISIS by watching their despicable videos.
2015-02-06 11:46 pm
Have faith and wisdom. Our ancestors survived horrible events and we must keep ourselves alive, fighting when we can, and stay alive with faith even if it sounds worthless
2015-02-06 11:17 pm
WOULD IT not be wise to know IF there are major judgments ahead for a wayward mankind?

HERE ARE some major principles that show God will take action against ruiners of the earth

(Genesis 18:20, 21) “20 Then Jehovah said: “The outcry against Sod′om and Go·mor′rah is indeed great, and their sin is very heavy. 21 I will go down to see whether they are acting according to the outcry that has reached me. And if not, I can get to know it.””

(Proverbs 2:20-22) “20 So follow the way of good people And stay on the paths of the righteous, 21 For only the upright will reside in the earth, And the blameless will remain in it. 22 As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth, And the treacherous will be torn away from . . .”

(Psalm 92:7) “ 7 When the wicked ones sprout as the vegetation And all the practicers of what is hurtful blossom forth, It is that they may be annihilated forever. . .”

(Isaiah 45:18) “18 For this is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the [true] God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited. . .” Note the action God takes for those who do not value our leased, masterpiece earth:

(Revelation 11:17, 18) “. . .“We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the one who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king. 18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came,......, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.””

Part of the finality upon wicked mankind is the heavenly rulership. This will bring on 'Armageddon' as is promised for some 2000 yrs. ".........thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it does in heaven........." Matthew 6:10


(Isaiah 55:10, 11) “10 For just as the rain and the snow pour down from heaven And do not return there until they saturate the earth, making it produce and sprout, Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results, But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, And it will have sure success in what I send it to do. . .”

Please note the 4 min. audio "What Is the Battle of Armageddon?
2015-02-06 9:54 pm
Donald, I would not admit having watched that. In fact, I think one way we "good people" should respond is to NOT give ISIS the attention they clearly desire. When we stop publishing/airing their evil acts, they won't get the reward they desire. As I understand it, they see these as recruiting tools for young people who are easily misguided ... and they need plenty, as the life expectancy of an ISIS fighter is pretty short.
2015-02-06 4:08 pm
God's word is very clear that the wicked will be no more... unless the wicked repent they will perish. Only in Christ can we be found righteous. Jesus is Lord.
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2015-02-05 7:37 pm
well firstly you shouldn't have watched it or even commented on the dreadful act of barbarity, since the simple act of you and many others watching this guys death just adds oxygen to the pulicity craved by the scumbag isis terrorists.
2015-02-05 4:58 pm
Just what can our military do when the president sits on his hands and denies the danger? We first have to get Obama to wake up and smell the coffee!
2015-02-05 1:59 pm
You're not going to do anything.
2015-02-07 7:01 am
nothing any one can do
2015-02-06 9:24 pm
its best to do nothing. ISIS could be leading the west into a trap and provoke them into responding.

also jordan and iraq are a far away places
2015-02-06 8:52 pm
I guess you could say he went out in a bang! Joking

Seriously **** ISIS
2015-02-05 9:11 am
We're going to do nothing, probably. Sad.

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