What is perfect age for getting married?

2015-02-04 10:19 am

回答 (463)

2015-02-09 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
i just have to remark that this question has OVER 400 responses! omg! and the correct answer is 30. still young enough to have kids, but have your life figured out and not running around getting drunk like an idiot in their early 20s.
2015-02-06 1:23 am
Marriage is a sham and a money cow. Most people get married, pay a fortune for the marriage, and then cheat, and divorce within a year or two. Of course some do last before people start having a go, but look up actual statistics for marriages now, it's not like back in the olden days when a divorce was very rare, far from it. As for the question, the best time is when your with someone and I think you have had at least 2 years living together without any issues. It needs to be tested.
2015-02-06 3:20 pm
For Men-25
For Women-21
2015-02-05 4:16 am
Woman age should 22 to 26
Man - 25 to 28
2015-02-07 11:40 am
2015-02-08 12:59 pm
Marriage is like a waltz. It needs two. The moment you can trust and be trusted, then you are right for marriage. And this is the base for a family to start. Children may come, the new life that will depend on you. If you are lucky, the waltz will be like full of grace. The age? Society has sometimes the stronger voice about it. Depends where you live, what are your traditions. You can not ask for a perfect age, a magic number that will work and do the job for you. It is when you are ready to trust and be trusted. Someone that will be at your side for the rest of the road. For the rest of your lives. Money come and go, but true friendship and love that is in a serious marriage is the biggest fortune that no one can take away from you. It is just yours.
2015-02-09 10:22 am
2015-02-05 11:41 am
2015-02-09 10:13 am
2015-02-07 3:08 pm
Honestly I do not think there is a perfect age. I think getting married at any age is beautiful and there is no less love or truth to it an older age. However, it seems like most people have the most money in their thirties or late twenties, which would be best for those wanting a nice wedding. Also being mature enough to dedicate to marriage is important, which most people are sure of in their mid twenties. And if you want children and to be married, I would say by thirty at the latest so that you have plenty of time with your spouse and your kids.
2015-02-07 6:14 am
There is no perfect age for getting married. I think it more depends on how long you have been with the person rather than the age you get married. If you are with someone for only 3 weeks, I don't suggest getting married. I think if you have been with the same person for over 2 years and you still love each other and are great then you reached the perfect point in your relationship to get married.

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