
2015-02-05 4:38 am
應該用so that 定係 because ? 點解 ?
Do not swim alone ( ) you can get some help if you are in danger .

回答 (6)

2015-02-07 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案

這題對未完全熟識 so that & because 屬性的人來說很困難,

( Do not swim alone ) ... ( you can get some help / if you are in danger ) .

So that 用法:

[第一層:情況] + [so that] + [第一層:someone can do something],不能存在第二層

Because 用法:
[第一層:情況] + [because] + [層數沒有限:原因]


Do not swim alone because you can get some help if you are in danger. (兩層,所以不計can)


so that: He should tidy his things carefully so that he can find his work easily next time.

because: He likes English because he is good at it.

Hope I can help you ^_^

2015-02-07 13:38:47 補充:
because: talking about the reason (原因)

so that: talking about the purpose (目的)
參考: 1000% MYSELF, ME
2015-02-05 6:47 pm
上面的回答已經解釋了because和so that前後子句的關係作為準則,其實最好測試自己間唔明是可以試把這句的用詞如何修改而兩個連接詞都講得通,以下示範:

Don't swim alone because you can get help if you are in danger.

Go swim with a friend so that you can get help if you are in danger.

後背句的"內容"是完全一樣的,只要你把前句的意義修改或變換,用because或so that 對全句的意義也不同了:第一句是反面/警告性的句式,提醒你"不要做"時便告訴你一個"理由"/"理據";第二句是正面/指示性的,直接指出你"應該做"的便告訴你"做了"的"好處"或(好的)"後果"/"結果"。

由此理解because和so that的用法,希望會比硬記住它們的解釋:"因為"/"由於","因此"/"以致" 對你以後寫更能運用自如。
2015-02-05 12:44 pm
because 之後是原因
so that 之後是結果

此句說: 不要獨自游泳 XXX 如果你有危險你可以獲得幫助

如用because 後面應為cannot
Do not swim alone because you can't (won't) get any help if you are in danger.

所以用 so that
Do not swim alone so that you can get some help if you are in danger.
2015-02-05 11:02 am
Two ways of saying it logically:

1. To tell the reason of doing something or not doing something, use "because":

Do not swim alone because you can't (won't) get any help if you are in danger.
Go swimming with others because you can get some help if you are in danger.

2015-02-05 03:12:18 補充:
2. To tell the purpose or result of something, use "so (that)":

Go swimming with others so (that) you can get some help if you are in danger.

2015-02-05 03:23:23 補充:
I think it'd better use "because" (to give a reason, either positive or negative comment) when giving an "advice".
2015-02-05 6:15 am
因為so that 是解所以,而且是需要一個目標,所以用在這句就不合適.
2015-02-05 4:51 am
can 是否應是 can't ?

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