
2015-02-03 12:00 am
友人知佢有官非之後同佢講 叫佢唔好亂講野 會老妨

咁算唔算講左案情 妨礙司法公正?
一般來講 因講左案情老妨既是不是因為講左案情而有機會影響審訊 先算老妨?
新聞的內容係第3方去寫 而且公眾可以睇到, 咁佢只係話佢係案中人

回答 (3)

2015-02-03 12:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

妨礙司法公正的例子,包括中止刑事檢控,以換取報酬;向某人提出虛假指控;向調查刑事罪行的警務人員提供虛假陳述;作出某項作為,刻 意 協 助 另 一 人 逃 避 追 捕;不 當 地 干 擾 證 人;證 人 故 意 不 出 席 聆 訊,以換取報酬;提供捏造的證據;發布文章,刻意妨礙司法公正;不當地中止檢控;使原本可能得以提出檢控的法定程序受挫。

2015-02-02 16:38:31 補充:
回應雙兒, 警員不是在盤問疑犯前宣讀警誡的, 是拘捕行動時向疑犯宣告受嫌的罪行,並向該名人士宣讀拘捕警誡。警誡的內容大致是:「依家唔係事必要你講,但無論你講啲乜嘅,我都可能將佢用筆錄底,日後可能作為呈堂証供用。」
參考: 李家恆
2015-02-03 2:12 am
1. Case discussion is not perverting the course of justice per se.

The issue is the content of the discussion can be subject to the court's examination. For example, if a government lawyer talks to the police officer, their conversation can be questioned in an open court. Based on the same logic, a suspect's admission of the crime to a friend can be also admissible.

Based on this reason, people will refrain from discussion to avoid troubles.

2. No. By its own definition, anything that can harm the process of justice is a form of perverting the course of justice.

As defined above, case discussion is not preverting per se. But if you discuss that with certain people, like witnesses, and affect their credibility, the person committing this can be found guilty of perverting.

3. No, unless the court has issued a gag order restricting the discussion.
2015-02-03 12:16 am


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