Do I wear to much makeup?

2015-01-30 11:36 pm
Okay I'm kinda embarrassed to even be posting this but I need a little advice! I'm 16 and when I was out the other day, I was in line in a store and I over heard theses 2 girls saying how much makeup I wear and how gross it is...that made me sooo self-conscious, does it look that bad? Am I over thinking it?

回答 (45)

2015-01-31 11:30 am
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No! You look pretty dont listen to those girls they're just bitching. honestly dont stress over it, you look amazing and if you feel confident about wearing it you go for it girl!
2015-01-30 11:53 pm
You're pretty, lovely eye makeup :)

What you experienced is known as girl-hate - culturally women are taught to compete with each other to be the prettiest or the most appealing to men, and because women are taught not to be directly aggressive they attack each other subtly like this: trying to undermine your confidence, or trying to build themselves up by putting other women down or making-up these ridiculous rules about what is/isn't acceptable for women.

It's bullying, it's controlling, and it's sexist...there's no winning this because it's always down to others judging you to try to bully you and make themselves feel better, women like this will always find a way to attack you.

In short: stop worrying about the opinions of people like this.

2015-01-30 11:38 pm
You're very beautiful! But it looks likes like a little bit too much eye makeup so you should do a more natural look of eye makeup
2015-01-31 12:47 am
No you don't!! I wear the same amount and I'm 14 apart from foundation cause I hate the way it looks but I think it looks really beautiful!! I love the eye make up. I live in the UK and 16 year old go out wearing ALOT More makeup than that it looks horrible but you looks gorgeous
2015-02-02 7:48 pm
Im going to be honest with you. First, I think you are beautiful...great skin, nice teeth, smile, hair and pretty eyes. You do have a tad bit too much of eye liner and mascara on. Its a little too dark around the edges and underneath.....but its not really bad, just a little made up. For an every day, more natural look, just make the lines thinner and use a little less. Other than that, no...there was no reason for them girls to be making fun of you other than they are jealous.
2015-02-02 7:29 pm
You look great! And the most important thing is, if you feel good with makeup then wear it!
2015-02-02 3:05 am
I'm sorry but you're so gorgeous with the makeup. You are most likely gorgeous without it, but let's be honest, everyone says to this question "You'd be better without" but honestly some of us look better with makeup. We like the way wearing it makes us feel and look. In all honesty, you just overheard a couple a' jealous bitches. YOu're lovely.
2015-01-31 1:43 am
You look like late 20s but you don't even look like you have makeup on. You look fine
2015-01-31 1:18 am
Your gorgeous (: there just hating because there not pretty I bet ! I think your makeup is perfect for 16 ????????
2015-01-31 12:28 am
You're stunning! Don't listen to anyone who says you wear too much makeup! I get that all the time and wear around the same amount as you. It's your face, you can do what the heck you want with it and personally I think it's elegant, subtly smokey and very attractive! Xx
2015-01-31 9:32 am
Ah, the classic '' I feel SO self conscious'' tale... 1000's of these on this site every day, with a carefully picked picture, posted as a fishing exercise. No one said a thing at the store, I guarantee it, but you thought it was a good excuse for posting. Nice try... you look like you've been hit on the head with something, btw

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