
2015-01-31 1:23 am

回答 (2)

2015-01-31 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Law of not, remember this - you are your daughter's father. So I will say it is reasonable to pay for your daughter's reasonable expense.

Legally speaking, the maintenance ceases when your daughter is an adult.

2. Possible.

At the same time, you can request the amount to be reduced.

3. No. It depends on how much both of you can agree.

The court is only going to determine contested issues.
2015-01-31 3:29 am
1. 冇規定,亦唔一定係由男方支付,個官判.
2. 有2個選擇,一係就要生活費,一係就分身家,唔可以兩樣都要.
3. 咁可以由半年前開始計起,2年就攪掂,唔一定要搵律師,但最好搵律師.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:23:53
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