What do you think this funeral dream means?

2015-01-28 10:01 pm
So, in the past few years, my great grandma died from lung cancer, my aunt from bile duct cancer, and a few months ago, my grandma from metastatic brain cancer. I mention the cause of deaths so that you understand the context of my situation; I saw all of these people suffer and fade away from drugs until they died.

The dreams are a continuum. Almost all of my dreams are part of a different collection. However, this one is BIZARRE. The lighting is never realistic. It's like somebody turned up "shadows" on a photo editor and added a bit of a yellow tint, like one that you might get from firelight, or everything is very grayed over. They always occur in extreme spaces. I envisioned my great grandma's funeral in my high school auditorium, but much indefinitely larger with only a few people seated. It was a huge stone casket, remaining closed until somebody knocked off the lid. She looked just as she had on her actual funeral, but I really noticed how embalmed she was. How inhuman she appeared. Last night, I dreamed of my grandma's funeral in a crowded home's basement. The casket was open and she, too, was extremely embalmed. I felt her skin and it disturbed me, my mom crying beside her. I always feel extremely anxious and fearful of some sort of happening.

The weirdest part is that I know that THIS IS THE SECOND FUNERAL. Like they've been dug up for some reason! Nobody ever says that, but I know it... It's the strangest thing and I feel like there is a meaning. Any insight?

回答 (1)

2015-01-28 10:07 pm
They died from cancer. The treatments for cancer currently kill people sometimes sooner, but they would never be administered such risky drugs if there were a better alternative.

You may as well be surprised to hear that soldiers sometimes die from being shot.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:39:21
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