Hey, computer genius, do you know what computer virus is this and how to remove it?

2015-01-28 1:10 pm

I can't buy an antivirus software right now as I don't have a credit card or paypal yet because I'm still a student but good thing is Windows 7 has built in security measures.

回答 (24)

2015-01-29 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you're having computer problems, do a system restore to an earlier time when you didn't have computer problems. Do a back up after things work better. I like AVG free antivirus. Be careful browsing those porn sites. Just like with real streetwalkers they carry a load of infection and malware.
2015-01-28 6:16 pm
I'm not sure its a virus, since it's a VB file. Usually, viruses if you manage to see them with explorer.exe are .bat files. However, just to be sure, run Security Essentials (included in any windows 7/8/8.1 version) scan, and see. Hope it helps!
2015-01-29 7:19 pm
As long as you buy a BigMac for just $5, we;ll throw in a cheap patty
2015-01-29 2:59 am
Unfortunately, I can't see what you circled on your image.

The first step, and the only step you have to do to NEVER get a virus on your computer is to STOP DOWNLOADING S**T ON YOUR COMPUTER.

You have two different options.

1. Learn how to fix computers.

2. Bring your computer to a computer shop, and you let a professional who works at a computer shop fix your computer. People who work at a computer shop should know more than you about computers.

If you want to learn how to fix computers, then you have to go to a book store, and you buy an A+ text book, so you can teach yourself how to fix computers.

The A+ text book you see at the bottom belongs to me.
2015-01-30 12:34 pm
Download antivirus
2015-01-28 10:53 pm
It isn't a virus, so don't worry there! Avast has free anti-virus.
2015-01-28 8:14 pm
That is not an virus. and if you're looking for a free antivirus so go for Baidu Antivirus. It's totally free and low on ram
2015-01-28 1:19 pm
Visual Basic script file... Hmmm, you tried installing AVG or AVAST to get rid of it? Are you sure it's a virus?
2015-01-29 11:30 am
thats a visual basics virus
dont run that visual basics will distroy you pc
i wrote a vbs virus for 4-5 years ago
anti virus will never detect it also wired bat files !
2015-01-28 1:16 pm
You mean there are free antivirus software? I didn't notice before.

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