Guy hasn't texted?

2015-01-28 1:50 am
Well I met this guy online a few nights ago, we talked had a great conversation and everything and he even gave me his number to text him. We talked that same night and he texted me the next morning when he got up. He lives close to me and is in the air force and had class and pt yesterday. We texted for a while and I was doing my hair and he wanted to see it so I sent him a picture and he showed me his new hair cut and he was exhausted and eventually passed out. I haven't heard from him since last night though. Did I do something wrong?

回答 (3)

2015-01-28 1:57 am
Last night??? Don't you think you are expecting a lot of attention from someone you only "met" online a few nights ago?
2015-01-28 1:57 am
No you didn't, he just really tired from all the training, give it some time and he will text back soon!
2015-01-28 1:53 am
Nope, you didn't! Maybe he's busy doing stuff in the air force.
2015-01-28 1:53 am
Just wait. We r impatient beings.
Men are not like us.
Be patient... Everything is ok- let him come to you!

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 02:54:52
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