What do you think is the greatest threat facing our world today?

2015-01-28 12:36 am
Is it violent non-descript radical fringe element ideological militant criminal extremism, or is is climate change?

回答 (23)

2015-01-28 5:18 am
-Ignorance. Because Ignorant People think & Do Foolish & Dangerous Things . And One NEVER Knows- When or where They're going to get "up in Arms"- Next !! :o
2015-01-28 3:33 am
2015-01-28 8:51 am
The USA and its inept congress and Military
2015-01-30 3:36 am
The threat of economic collapse. If you know about economics, you'll know that many economies around the
world are teetering on the brink of monetary devaluation, hyperinflation, and the unsustainability of many of
the socialist-capitalist systems, such as in Europe, The US debt is so high, it can only be paid down by printing more money, which has never ended well for any country that has done that. When the US Dollar is devalued,
the other world economies will fall like dominos. While global warming is certainly a threat, an economic collapse
could finish us off much more quickly. Think of what would happen- no petrol, no medicines, no one can afford to
travel, or distribute food, no economic products at all, if the price of fuel is outrageously high, among other things. Hyperinflation would precede this, and at least the mega-rich would be as poor as the rest of us !
This is not a whacko view, although some will deny it, but a real possibility for the immediate future.
2015-01-28 6:37 am
women that can't squirt
2015-01-28 5:57 am
2015-01-28 1:55 am
Lack of clean water, laugh but this will be a world changer in 20 years.
2015-01-28 12:42 am
A failure to engineer sustainability into our economy.

Shortages of fresh water, and climate change (failure to handle waste CO2) are the most immediate symptoms of this issue.
2015-01-30 10:23 pm
2015-01-30 7:29 pm
2015-01-30 12:44 am
Seeing the story of what happened to Herman Wallace and also James Bain. Prison guards are evil because some inmates are innocent and were falsely accused of crimes. Some prison guards are worthless pieces of **** because they hold everybody there (including the falsely accused for years and never let them tell their side of the story).

Both of these men were incarcerated for two generations. James Bain came out healthy which was the most precious aspect of the entire thing, but unfortunately, that was not the same story for Herman Wallace who was dying of cancer after his more than two generations of being captive.

2015-01-28 10:49 pm
fried foods for sure...
2015-01-28 7:30 am
The same things its always been.Hunger and clean water.
2015-01-28 6:42 am
NSA, NATO, State, Dept. and CIA
2015-01-28 6:04 am
Violent extremists, with or without description.
Humanity has always adapted to climate change in the past, and no doubt will continue.
2015-01-28 1:41 am
Not climate change, source; thousands of climate scientists who say they can't say that it is.
2015-01-28 9:00 pm
Overpopulation of humans always was and always will be the greatest threat. Humans are greedy monsters. Global warming will become an ultimate disaster for all life.
2015-01-28 3:55 pm
Climate Change is a real threat, no question. But I would have to say corporate greed, on the scale it is today, is just as big. It is a real evil.
2015-01-28 3:51 am
Man made climate change is pretty terrible. Terrorism is localized, climate is global. The city I live in could be under water by the time I am set to retire. Along with that, a lack of clean water and arable land will be big issues. The ugly side of globalization, mainly decreased wages and increased tax breaks and loop holes will continue to direct the worlds capital uploads until the entire world is a bonafide oligarchy...
參考: Man made climate change is pretty terrible. Terrorism is localized, climate is global. The city I live in could be under water by the time I am set to retire. Along with that, a lack of clean water and arable land will be big issues. The ugly side of globalization, mainly decreased wages and increased tax breaks and loop holes will continue to direct the worlds capital uploads until the entire world is a bonafide oligarchy...
2015-01-28 8:49 am
govt sponsored terrorism against citizen " false flag operation"

like paris, australia, canada, usa, london?
2015-01-28 2:02 am
2015-01-28 12:58 am
Fluoride in the water.
2015-01-29 7:39 pm
What its been since 1492, white people.

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