4years with boyfriend. .He's now saying he doesn't know if he want me anymore but I didn't do anything. he's being so nasty please help me?

2015-01-27 1:38 am
Okay, my boyfriend is with me 4years. He keeps on snooping trew his ex girlfriends picture and her all her social media and this other girl that goes to his gym I confronted him about it because it upset me alot. He then told me to **** off and he doesn't care what I think and ignored me for a week straight. I texted him a hour ago and said do u wanna sort this out tomorrow and have a chat about Everything? He said not a chance. I said why are we gonna sort this out ? He keeps saying he doesn't no if he wants to be with me now and that since I told him what I said to him about his ex and the other he doesn't no if he feels the same but it's hard to let go . I'm so upset. But he's blaming me and turning the whole situation on me. He keeps saying your not seeing me tomorrow you will just annoy me anyways..I dunno what I want. We've been together 4years why is he bring so mean and hurtful :( I always keep us together and wants to talk thing out but he just gives me the silent treatment. He keeps saying hes to busy to me see ..I havnt seen him in a week :( he keeps saying remember you caused this. He never apologises nither. I try so hard because I love him but he's just being so mean I dunno what to do. He keeps saying that I bring up stupid things and it's all my fault. Now he just ' im going sleep I don't care'. What will I honestly do ? There's no need to be like that. Will he stay with me ?? Or should I just not bother anymore :( can anyone explain what happened :(

回答 (8)

2015-01-27 1:48 am
Why in the world would you WANT to be with a guy like this?
2015-01-27 1:48 am
Break up with him you deserve someone better who would be generous and kind. There are many other guys. Hope this helped!
2015-01-27 1:48 am
There was a question on yahoo you answered: "i hate men." Now you are having problems with your boyfriend. You hate men and you date one. Since when did you care about men? For your information, he doesn't love you anymore. I hope he finds a better woman, not a misandrist.
2015-01-27 1:43 am
Oh thats great, thanks for sharing.
2015-01-27 1:42 am
Wrong section!
參考: he doesn't love you anymore.
2015-01-27 5:58 am
You deserve a better guy, for all you know you dont know what hes really doing. How can you put up with a guy like him.
2015-01-27 4:18 am
Honestly, I was in your situation before a few months ago i know how you feel my ex treated me like **** but you know what? **** him cause he ain't the one paying my bills. Seem like your bf is trying to avoid you and doesn't want to talk it out, maybe he grew tired of the relationship, I would leave before things get worse I know it hard to let go but hey there more guys out there then just him, find someone who will treat you good
2015-01-27 1:46 am

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