2015-01-27 1:24 am
It all started at the first day of school and in my class I noticed this really cute guy looking at me pretty often and ever since then he kept looking at me (i think im pretty and ive been told so sometimes but im not beautiful or anytning like that) and I started looking back... Now Everytime I walk into the class we have together he fully turns his body and watches me walk all the way to my computer desk thingy and I just don't even know why he won't talk to me. One time at lunch we made eye contact 5 times for a while and he doesn't even smile or change his facial expression...? When we cross in the hallway he so,writes moves closer to my side. He will stare at me when were far away in the hallway but ignore me when were close. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN I AM LITERALLY JUST SO CONFUSED.

回答 (12)

2015-01-27 1:29 am
He's probably pretty shy when it comes to people he finds attractive. Try to make small talk with him and if you like him, try to get to know him. Once you gain his trust and his confidence, he will be able to talk to you and he won't just stare and wish that things would happen between the two of you. So, see how he reacts when you try talking to him, say hi to him, et cetera. Best of luck!
2015-01-28 8:16 pm
It means you are way to young to understand dating and relationships. Stop worrying about "crushes" and pay attention in school. The last thing we need is another knocked up 14 year old drop out on welfare.
2015-01-27 3:58 am
Aww that so cute! I can tell he really shy and he finds you attractive, maybe try to talk to him first and get to know him that way he is more comfortable around you.

-good luck!
2015-01-29 5:16 pm
I've done this before as well. Im a guy. Let me explain. First of all he's not shy, because if he was shy he would avoid eye contact not continuously be looking at you. I can say that he DOES like you, maybe a little or maybe a lot, but he does. And the reason I look but never talk is because I just don't know exactly what to do without making it look awkward. Because some guys like me are very direct, we don't know how to make small talk or anything, if we like you all that comes to out mind is walk up and say "hey you're really pretty", but we know that is too much direct for girls and society. So we don't know what to do. So we end up just watching, hoping that it will go somewhere without us having to talk at all.
2015-01-28 3:36 am
It means he definitely notices you. You should make the first move. Maybe you're his crush too. I mean, since when does another guy stare at a girl over and over? He obviously likes you! I may not be a girl, but when I stare at people, it does mean I like them..at least for a certain period of time...Don't be shy high school Girl. You won't know if he likes you unless you ask! ^o^
2015-01-28 1:34 am
It could mean one or a few of these things.
-He wants to talk to you
-He wants your number
-He wants to date you
-He wants to get you in bed
-He thinks you look familiar but can't put a name to your face and thinks you're hot.
2015-01-27 1:05 pm
I think he definitely likes you but is too shy to approach you. He might be afraid that you would probably reject him and might be having the same doubts as you. I would advise you to initiate a conversation with him yourself, you could just say something like, "hi, what's up" or "hey, can I borrow a pencil (or something like that)". It can be a bit awkward at first but I think you guys will surely hit it off. Good luck sweetie :)
2015-01-27 5:39 am
He wants to talk to you for sure! Just initiate the conversation. Go up to him after class and just say "Hey, whats up?" And it will definitely be awkward at first because you'll both know that the other finds you attractive, but hey, you'll never know where it could end up unless you start it.
2015-01-27 1:32 am
Seems like someone really likes you sweety!!! Wish U all the best !! Try bringing up a small topic with him and see what Leds on from there pumpkin. Wish U luck love :D
2015-01-27 1:32 am
He probably doesn't know how to come to you. R probably think you will reject him. Is there anyone u know at school that may know him and just see if he has said anything about you.

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