英文文法 3 verb??

2015-01-26 6:13 pm
1. 呢句句子有冇錯?
2. 呢句句子既文法結構係點? 點解一句句子可以有3個verb?
3. 有冇其他例子?

Sometimes, we "need" some frustrations in our life to "cause" us to "work" more energetically

回答 (2)

2015-01-31 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
knowing "Causative Verbs": 認識 "使役動詞"

We use a causative verb to show that someone or something somehow causes something to happen.

a. [causative verb] + object + [infinitive / bare infinitive ~ active meaning]
She didn't allow us to enter her house.
She didn't let us enter her house.

b. [causative verb] + object + [past participle ~ passive meaning]
She had her car washed at the weekend.

Sometimes, we "need" some frustrations in our life to "cause" us to "work" more energetically.

1. 句子正確。

2. "need" and "cause" are causative verbs.
~"need" is the main verb of the sentence.
~ "some frustrations in our life" is the object of main verb "need".
~ "to cause" is the infinitive following the causative verb "need".
~ "us" is the object of the second causative verb "cause".
~ "to work" is the infinitive following the causative verb "cause".

3. 其他例子?

The policemen advised her to allow them to enter her house.
2015-01-27 1:36 am
1. 冇錯

2. 基本句子結構 - S-V-O (subject-verb-object)
we - subject
need - verb
some frustrations ( in our life to "cause" us to "work" more energetically ) - object

"cause" "work" 響呢度唔係verb; 係object 嘅內容,
  成舊應該係 "to cause"/"to work",叫做object of infinitive

"sometimes" - adverb 用嚟形容個verb

3. There was an old lady who swallowed a horse to catch a cow to catch a goat to catch a dog to catch a cat to catch a bird to catch a spider to catch a fly.

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