Is it okay for a girl to start off a text. does it make look like your desperate?

2015-01-25 10:39 pm
Should I texts him? He usually the one texts me first every other day or couple days. I haven't heard from him few days. Should I text him would I sound desperate Or as I'm chasing him. I wonder what he would think or feel? I'm so used to him texting me. Can this be sign he not interested anymore. Or he has forgotten about me. :(

回答 (10)

2015-01-27 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
With all these rules about looking desperate, I am surprised that we are still reproducing as a species.When I was in a relationship, there were times that I texted first and there were times that she did. To be honest, I loved it when I woke up to her text. It told me that I was on her mind first thing in the morning. As a guy, I can tell you that it is the most sincerest form of attraction of having a girl that is not trying to look demure.
If you feel attracted to him and you know that he is attracted to you, text him. It does have to be a message that you want to see him or you are thinking about him. It could be a simple, "hey".
2015-01-26 1:01 am
Text him he probably feels like he always is the one to text first and wants you to text him first once in a while and you won't look desperate
2015-01-26 3:02 am
Personally, I'm a fan of being as honest and genuine as possible. If I like a guy, I make sure he KNOWS I like him. I message him first, I initiate the plans to hangout or compliment him. I'm very shy so doing this is BIG for me and I only initiate things for people I actually like, and I am VERY picky so if I am initiating something with a guy he better feel special.

If you know that you don't need a man, or that you don't need this boy to like you to feel good about yourself than you can't be a desperate person. Desperate people NEED others to feel good about themselves. Don't be that person... but DO be a person who is open and tries to be genuine in your interest because it makes it easier for everyone.
2015-01-27 3:49 am
No, you won't look desperate or anything, just as long you don't sent him like 20 text or something Just text him! guys love it when girls text them first :)
2015-01-27 2:29 am
If you make him feel like only he likes you because you are not showing interests in him by initiating a text or trying to contact him in anyway he will start to either not like you anymore or think you don't like him, move on, and stop trying because he thinks you don't think about him at all.
You think about a person you like regularly.
You don't think about think if you don't.
2015-01-27 2:26 am
look honestly if you like him text him. we guy's we're crazy we act like oh whatever but when a girl we like doesn't text us we get a little paranoid when girls don't text us or don't respond we start thinking we did something wrong or you lost or have no interest in us ETC
2015-01-25 10:42 pm
No, just don't over do it
2015-01-25 10:41 pm
No you won't look desperate. He may be trying to see if you will make the effort if he's always the one initiating.
2015-01-25 10:41 pm
Why is it "desperate" if you text him, but not desperate if he texts you? Is this 2015 or 1815? If you want to text him, then text him. Own your feelings and go get what you want. If it "scares" him off, then he wasn't into you anyway.
2015-01-26 1:09 am

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