How do teens get paid?

2015-01-25 8:19 am
How would I get paid if I got a job im 17. You cant have a credit card under age and you cant be paid in cash. So with job how would they pay me?

回答 (10)

2015-01-25 10:16 am
You can be paid in cash, you can be issued a check or a debit card that your employer direct deposits your wages to or direct deposit into a savings or checking account
2015-01-25 8:20 am
Probably by direct deposit into a bank account (which is the way most people are paid). You can have a bank account at any age.
2015-01-30 8:09 pm
Check or direct deposit into a checking account you have. No need for a credit card. Are you are mixing up a credit card with a debit card? You can get a debit card at your age, it's just a card that is used for your checking account.
2015-01-30 4:56 am
You'd have to open a bank account. You'd then receive your pay in form of a check or direct deposit. With direct deposit, you'll have to check with the bank to see if the deposit is put on hold for a period or not. My bank holds pends direct deposits from employers for about 12-24 hours depending when it is sent in
2015-01-25 9:03 pm
direct deposit to you bank acct or paycheck like everyone else in the world
2015-01-25 8:26 pm
Probably by check
2015-01-25 3:12 pm
Sometimes you get checks and you will need a checking account. With the account you'll get a debit card that you can also use as credit usually. You need your parent/guardian to be with you to open the account. Credit cards are almost a separate entity where you get approved for so much money to be able to spend (how much you make to be able to pay it off) and as you use it you pay the bill plus interest.
2015-01-25 12:38 pm
A check, cash card, or direct deposit. Some employers do pay in cash. A credit card has nothing to do with payroll.
2015-01-25 8:22 am
Somebody pays you at the end of certain times, usually your boss. If you're unsure, ask the people at your job.
2015-01-25 8:21 am

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