A festival that is not in hk

2015-01-26 3:00 am
What festival is celebrated in other countries?(not in Hong Kong)(not including Halloween,Christmas,Easter etc.)
Plese quick answer!!!!!It is a HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2015-01-26 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案

要溫習相當簡單;將你唔明問題逐一解決,在你心中腦海就只有你睇過溫過嘅書本,你要做到一望就知道在那一本書那一頁見過。 (Ignored the above Festivals informations).Now the response is "Thai new year celebration" Thai New Year is in Monday 13th April. The people eat the special Thai Food;wear new clothes(as in Chinese New Year), and like everything to be neat and tidy as a habit to earn more money. They splash out water at each other !
How about the Edinburgh festival in Scotland ? The Cannes film festival in France ? The beer festival in Germany ? The rock-music festival (=Woodstock e where bands and drugs perform outdoors over a period of weeks ) ?Religious festival in Rome,Vatican in Italy ? Harvest festival in China ?Try finding out your good self.best of Wishes .
2015-10-13 3:13 pm
Thank you I know now
2015-01-26 3:42 am
Thai New Year,it is in 13th April.The people eat the special food,wear new clothesand tidy houses.They Throw water each other at that day,too.

2015-01-25 19:46:02 補充:
第1行至2行係'clothes and'唔係'clothesand'

2015-01-25 19:46:08 補充:
第1行至2行係'clothes and'唔係'clothesand'

2015-01-25 19:46:12 補充:
第1行至2行係'clothes and'唔係'clothesand'

2015-01-25 19:46:13 補充:
第1行至2行係'clothes and'唔係'clothesand'

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