My bf called me a sl*t?

2015-01-24 7:21 am

回答 (17)

2015-01-24 7:26 am
If my boyfriend called me that, id leave him.
if I felt the need to do anything that would give him a legitimate reasom to call me that, I wouldn't have dated dated him in the first place.
in other words, dump his @$$
2015-01-24 10:27 pm
You should have slapped him that's disrespectful what a jerk.
2015-01-24 7:29 am
I love honest guys.
2015-01-24 7:30 am
Quit sleeping around
2015-01-24 7:34 am
Name calling is a verbal hit. I am a big fan of talking things over. Ask him why he called you a name, tell him that it isn't cool and not to do it again to you or any woman. You decide if you want to give him a second chance, and if he does it again drop him without any explanation. That's key. Sooner or later he will figure out why great women stop taking his calls.
2015-01-27 4:08 am
If my boyfriend ever called me that i would have **** him up..
DUMP HIM!! don't ever let a guy call you that
2015-01-25 12:15 pm
Was there a specific reason as to why?
2015-01-24 9:51 pm
Maybe it was "pillow talk." Some guys get off on that
2015-01-24 5:23 pm
You need to ask him not to do that ny more. You need to alo find you another best friend. Leave him alone. You must not let your best friend disrespect you like that. I would quit going around with him. You should search and find another friend that cares about you and respects you. (HE didn't ).. You don't need those kinds of friends. Good Luck
2015-01-24 7:45 am
He being a jerk in a way that he thinks he's being funny
參考: My sisters boyfriend has called her that numerous times

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