Do you think age really matters in a relationship?

2015-01-24 4:39 am
As long as it's legal and both partners are happy, what difference does it make?

回答 (75)

2015-01-27 10:09 pm
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Whether it's friends, dating or long term, they all have some limitations.
People come into our lives for a reason a season or a lifetime.
Every relationship is different and you will connect for different reasons. People can grow apart, grow up, we are all forever changing,none of us just stay still in life. It makes sense that most people with wide range of age differences are going to have struggles due to it, I'm just not sure it's any more to expect than being compatible on other levels of personality, goals, intentions, etc..... that will inevitably come into play. The age is just one that you can see ahead of time, for many of the reasons already mentioned in some of these well though out answers.
When I was 19 I was in a long term relationship with a 32 yr old. There were many issues of not being on the same page in life, different goals, different experiences to fall back on. Not much in common with a generation apart, for sure.Arguments did weigh more for the "older" ones' point of view being the final answer. When the relationship failed and I moved on, there was a time I turned 32 and there was no way I'd deem a 19 yr old to be a suitable match.
We all make decisions on what our experiences teach us in life. Might be the same lesson but take away very different conclusions.
Bottom line is do what you think is right for the time...and realize time brings new discoveries. That's my opinion.
2015-01-26 4:24 pm
"As long as its legal and both are happy...." : yes, fine. But being happy is a challenging situation, if the ages are too different. People change at different stages of their life: interests, maturity, desires, behaviors. And if the age difference is too great,their goals and abilities may also be vastly different, causing problems. For example: one may want children,the other has already had them or doesn't have the energy or interest. Or, one may want an active sex life,while the other has "petered out". Aging brings illness and decreased energies. If you are twenty years younger than your partner, imagine wanting to go skiing, when your partner wants to stay in front of the t.v., until its time to go to bed early! Friends and socializing may be a challenge: yours may not fit with your partner's social interests or group. I could go on. But yes,age really DOES matter. Good wishes,Dr.S
2015-01-24 8:05 am
As long as everyone is legal, not really. Though for me personally I wouldn't be with someone too much older than me. I'd prefer my age - 21 to around 28 or so.
2015-01-25 3:48 am
I really don't think it does. As long as both of them are of legal age, I'm all for it. You don't have to be a certain age to love someone; there isn't a certain age at which you'll stop loving someone in return.

Personally, I think that an age gap of about ten years or below would be fine with me, but that's just me. If someone falls in love with someone far older or far younger than they are, let them be. They're happy. Love is too hard to find to just throw it away when you've got it.
2015-01-27 3:45 am
I mean also long your happy but then again if your under age like a 15 year old with a 30 year then i would be concern about that, as long it's legal, over all age should not really matter.
2015-01-27 3:18 am
I think, in general, people age in stages, and usually will hang with people their own age. And a stage is defined as what you want whether its short term or long term. Usually by 30 all your stages are long term. However, we know there are setbacks. Like a death of a spouse, a divorce, or a financial setback. a person may drop back into one of the short term stages. I am in one now. I am barely making ends meet, and do not feel I am on solid ground to start a good relationship. So I am not looking for a long term relationship so causal for fun meaning as others have said if she is legal and likes me I'll go for it. But I will get back on my feet and will want a more serious relationship. Casual on a beach in Cancun on vacation 21yrs old is good enough. But I would feel more comfortable with someone closer to my age 40 something. My point is most of the time, young and old people meet wanting the same thing, but 95% of the time, it wont last. That's not to say don't do it. At 28 I ad a romance with a 42yr old women. I would not trade it for anything. I still love her as my friend now. But know it may not last. otherwise go with your feelings.
2015-01-24 6:52 pm
Well it matters a little. I was in a long term relationship with a woman 21 years older than me. We lived together for 5 years almost like married without the rings. I think the age difference is part of why it didn't work.
2015-01-25 4:10 am
If it is legal, there is no cheating involved, and they love each other for them and not their money, it should not matter. I will say it is a little weird to think the person you're dating is old/young enough to be your parent or child. A big age difference could also mean you don't have a lot in common. I don't think 10 or 15 years difference is that bad, though.
2015-01-24 4:54 am
Not really, as long as both partners consent and maturely think about it.
There is the obvious limit of being above 13 at least and knowing it's not always about *******, but that's besides the point.
2015-01-27 9:47 am
I'm 18 and my significant other is 84. We have a great relationship. Going on 17 years.

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