what kind of woman would attract a guy with capricorn moon and scorpio venus?

2015-01-23 5:33 pm
What qualities in a woman would a guy with a capricorn moon and scorpio venus be attracted to?

回答 (6)

2015-01-23 6:49 pm
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He wants a practical woman. Wants a loyal woman with a quiet, controlled intensity. But that says nothing about whether or not he will be attracted to any specific woman, or whether or not they can make it work (attraction is only 11% of what makes a relationship work).

You didn't say what the natal aspects are to his Moon and Venus. If his other planets make discordant aspects (squares or oppositions .. the square being a distance of 82 to 98 degrees and the opposition being a distance of 172 to 188 degrees) .. .then he is going to have problems with his woman and with his relationship, no matter who is it with, UNTIL he learns how to balance out his own internal disharmony about love and self-esteem.
Cap Moon often has a unconscious sense of shame and lack of acceptance about themselves, and it affects their relationships with women (both romantic and unromantic relationships).

Astrologically, attraction happens when personal planets (Sun through Mars) make a conjunction to any planet in the other person's chart. A sextile or trine aspect will create an attraction, but a very weak attraction that oten doesn't keep the couple together for long. You need a conjunction to create a strong attraction.

But even the conjunct aspect will not last unless one person has their Ascendant or Descendant conjunct
the other person's Sun or Moon or Venus or Mars. Unless this aspect is present in the synastry, the relationship will die out in 1-3 years when the infatuation phase ends.

Signs do not create attraction. Signs are only general styles.
Attraction is an interaction between two people, and in astrology interactions are shown by aspects, not by signs.
Your own inner interactions are shown by the natal aspects between your own planets.
Your interactions with another person are shown by the synastry aspects between your own planets (and Asc/Desc axis) and their planets (and Asc/Desc axis).

Never forget that attraction and desire are not what makes it work or last.
And that the single most-important factor in a happy lasting relationship cannot be shown by astrology .. it is indicated by the level of emotional maturity and the ability of each person to easily handle their own hurt and anger .. these are can be learned by a person, and no birthchart will show what a person has or has not learned.

The second most-important factor is also not shown by the birthchart. The person must be comfortable with themselves and also must be happy with life in general. Until a person has achieved this, they will not be able to create a happy lasting relationship. It might last, but it won't be happy. And since these are things we can learn (or not learn) the birthchart does not tell you that either.

The astrological synastry between two charts is best-used once you have been seriously involved with the person for at least 6 months or longer. The first while we are dating someone, we are involved with our fantasy about them, and both of us are on our best behavior, so we don't really get to know each other well Therefore, much of the information in the synastry .. especially about the problems that the couple will have to resolve .. makes no sense until you have been involved with them for 6-24 years.

And if you aren't even dating someone .. it is all 100% fantasy about them.

Before I retired from astrology, I would always advise couples to go and date the person for 6-12 months before getting a synastry consult. No sense wasting your time (if you do it yourself) or your money (If you use an astrologer).
2015-01-23 5:42 pm
an ambitious one who knows what she wants. also serious in relationships and very sexuall.
2017-02-15 11:38 am
參考: Attract Beautiful Women http://SeduceAnyGirl.enle.info/?tQVK
2016-03-10 11:34 am
Please understand that no astrologer could answer such a question, as you have not supplied charts for both of you. It may work, does your venus & jupiter connect with his chart and how. Yet, as a professional astrologer I would not waste a clients money with this as currently you are not really in a relationship, rather an attraction. For the amount of time to check this out on a serious note, it would be premature. Astrology is good to express the compatibility of a couple, but without the natural chemistry which astrology does not supply, I have seen perfect charts without the chemistry, it is a mute point. Go and enjoy him, don't place so much on astrology right now. Have a journey! Once you are together for about 6 mths or so, then go and check out the compatibility charts, in that way you have interchanged with each other long enough to see some traits within each other. Then the tool of synastry will be truly a valued article to look at. Have fun!
2015-01-24 4:16 am
A psycho pisces
2015-01-23 5:34 pm
A cute one. Just like any other sign of the zodiac.

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