Should I neuter my rabbit?

2015-01-21 11:05 pm
A few months ago I brought my six month old rabbit to the vet to get neutered. Sadly, he died. I have a new pet rabbit and I wasn't planning on getting her neutered, but now I'm considering it. She was quiet and sweet as a baby, but is now eight months old and is vicious. I heard from a friend that getting her neutered would make her more docile, but I'm scared for her. Is it worth taking the risk?

回答 (3)

2015-01-22 7:10 am
Females are spayed.

I too lost a rabbit during a spay surgery due to an undetected heart problem. But this is rare and any surgery has risks.

I have had all of my rabbits spayed/neutered and this was the only time anything has went wrong.

Just make sure you are going to a rabbit savvy vet who knows what they are doing.
2015-01-22 3:01 am
While any surgery has risks and sometimes things happen no matter how good a vet is, did you make sure you found an exotics vet that has a high success rate? If not, then find one.
If you have a good vet the risk is less than 1%. The risk of a female rabbit developing reproductive cancer is around 80%. Its definitely worth the risk. Just find a good vet.

Neuter is a neutral term. Males get castrated. Females get spayed.
2015-01-22 12:54 am
Well, you neuter boys and spay girls. I would try a different vet who seems more experienced with rabbits, however, you must understand that dying under anesthetic is an extremely rare occurence.
參考: Work at a vets

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