community colleges

2015-01-22 5:39 am
What do you know about Santa Ana College ? please provide some information or your guys own experience about it. And Is it very necessary to having a TB test for applying those community colleges?

回答 (2)

2015-01-22 4:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 普通一間community college可以拿到副學士。學生大部份是墨西哥人(62%),亞洲人佔12%。
2) TB測驗要做。但如果你細個打過卡介苗(肺結核疫苗),做TB測驗可能會呈陽性,做左等於無做。這時候可以去照肺,用份証明你健康的X光報告代替。
2015-01-22 1:10 pm
1. Another California community college.

Nothing special.

2. Yes.

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