Is it healthy to just have soup and smoothies to lose weight?

2015-01-20 9:34 pm
I've gained quite Abit of weight within 2014 and now it's 2015 I really want to slim back down to how I was. I know it's best to eat little and often with low fat meals and exercise daily, but I really want to speed it up. I don't really do diets because I love food and it always backfires on me, I was just wandering if it's safe to eat mainly soup and have smoothies with fresh fruit and vegetables? Is it a bad idea because once I decide to have solid foods again the pounds will pile back on? I find soup and homemade smoothies fill me up, would this be a bad idea as a method to losing weight?

回答 (26)

2015-01-20 11:43 pm
No. Horrible way to diet. You need to adopt permanent healthy eating habits, not smoothie or soup of rubbish vegan fasts that'll ruin your metabolism and have you fatter than ever in the long run.

I recommend that you read marks daily apples free article how to succeed with the primal blueprint to get started on a healthy new lifestyle. You lose and then maintain weight without any stress. No calorie counting or deprivation in sight. No being a slave to chronic overrated cardio. Plenty of room for sensible treats. Read that article and his site in general. Also check out the wheat belly blog and authority nutrition for more info on health, diet, nutrition, fitness... This is maintainable for life. No more out of control cravings or binges. Just delicious satisfying meals daily. Ones that promote healthy weight.

Besides that check out for healthy recipes.
2017-03-16 8:16 pm
eat only from a plate while seated at a table
2017-03-11 2:12 pm
Make your individual low-fat ice cream using frozen bananas and peanut butter as well as luscious cherries and chocolate.
2016-12-26 1:26 pm
Swap out your hamburger patty for just a veggie burger.
2016-08-13 7:36 pm
Eat grapefruit before each meal
2016-05-19 8:27 pm
people who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss
2016-03-17 4:31 am
swap half of the avocado in a 1 2 cup of guacamole for zucchini
2016-03-11 1:13 am
Sleeping will effect your blody weight so get enough sleep to looss your weight
2015-01-20 9:54 pm
Most people do better chewing their food, rather than drinking it. As long as you get the nutrition you need, and don't exceed the calories your body needs, you're better off EATING 4 - 6 times a day, than drinking your meals and then trying to keep your eating under control once you hit your goal weight and start chewing your food again.
2015-01-20 9:52 pm
I watched something the other day that said that fruit and veg turned into smoothies causes it to be absorbed quicker so you end up eating more. Whereas eating fruit and veg as wholes is better because it releases its nutrients slower, aiding digestion, filling you up for longer. Just eat lots of whole fruit and veg and cut your calorie intake. Good luck!
參考: Training as nutritionist

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